Saturday June 15, 2024

Suspension of 3G & 4G service in Waziristan protested

By Our Correspondent
February 14, 2023

WANA: Hundreds of people staged a protest at the Azam Warsak area of Birmal Tehsil, South Waziristan Lower, on Monday against the 3G and 4G service suspension.

The protesters were holding placards inscribed with their demands and raised slogans against the authorities, including the district administration.Ayaz, a leader of Awam National Party (ANP), while talking to the media, said Birmal Tehsil is a densely populated area but it has always been ignored by the authorities.An ANP worker Asmat Ullah Dardmal said that they have called an all-parties conference for Tuesday to discuss the problems of Birmal Tehsil.