Saturday July 27, 2024

Sports festival concludes in Upper Dir

By Syed Zahid Jan
December 18, 2022

DIR: A three-day sports festival in which 26 teams of different sports and 500 players participated concluded here on Saturday with local cultural dance and music.

The sports competitions took place between teams of four districts.

In cricket, Upper Dir won the competition and Lower Dir came runner-up, while in football Upper Chitral lifted the trophy and Lower Chitral came second.

Lower Dir won the volleyball cup and Upper Dir ended up as runner-up. A large crowd watched the competitions and enjoyed thrilling matches.

Member Provincial Assembly from Upper Dir Inayatullah Khan was the chief guest at the concluding ceremony.

He said the provincial government and the district administration arranged such activities to promote sports. He said that the sports festivals provided a platform to the players to show their talent.

District Sports Officer Sadiqullah said the winning teams and players would now go to the next stage of competitions at the provincial level.