Friday July 26, 2024

Scientific steps to check disabilities among newborn stressed

December 05, 2022

LAHORE:The Asia-Oceania Post-Doctoral Academia (AOPDA) has expressed its serious concerns in a release that only cosmetic measures are taken and societal adjustments are made every year to ‘appease’ the persons with disabilities, and no scientific studies are conducted for finding transformative solutions to prevent disabilities among the newborn.

A discourse was conducted at AOPDA secretariat in connection with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD 2022), observed across the world on December 3 every year, according to a release issued by its secretariat on Sunday.

The theme for IDPwD 2022 is ‘Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world’. However, Asia-Oceania Post-Doctoral Academia regretted that despite passage of almost four decades, disabilities among newborns and adults could not be made central point of scientific studies and the preventive measures, suggested by researchers, could never be implemented in letter and spirit.

The AOPDA and the National Postdoctoral Academia (USA) declared South-Asian Postdoctoral Principal Investigator Prof Dr Aurangzeb Hafi’s research on disability prevention, the ‘1st Annotation Conspectus Inquiry into the Iatro-Teratogenicity’, the highest merited investigative work on the subject matter of pre-birth disabilities and their preventive approach. The investigative work consisted of discourse of over four decades since 1976, when the UNGA ratified a global decision, in which it called for an ‘Action Plan’ at national, regional and international levels to focus on Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), offer rehabilitation and prevent disabilities.

Aurangzeb Hafi’s research inquiries into the subject matter were reviewed by the postdoctoral academicians, including Justice (Retd) Dr SS Paru LLD, D Litt, Chancellor Emeritus AOPDA; Dr EM Nawaratne, the senior provost of AOPDA; Dr Belinda E Huang, the senior postdoctoral moderator panellist and former director of NPA; and other panellists from the US, UK and Canada.

According to Prof Hafi’s research findings, teratogens are the substances that are responsible for physical and chemical abnormalities during the embryonic stages. The research inquiry was destined to ignite an academic debate on behalf of over 650 million people of the world living with multiple disabilities. It’s an alarming call to the collective conscience of the world to realise one of the core reasons behind the ever-growing proportions of disabilities in the developing countries, where there existed no legislation to ban the teratogens, according to the release.

On the IDPwD 2022, the research treatise has been found and ranked as the significant most siren to announce the ‘War against teratogens’. Prof Hafi told APP by telephone that his research pursuit was the historic commencements of ‘IRT Trans-referential Research Model of Iatro-Teratogenicity’ and ‘Trans-positional theory of Embryonic Iatrogenesis and Terato-Kinetics’ in the basic enquiry-realms of pre-birth and post-birth child-disability prevention.

The Embryonic-Iatrogenesis Causality [EIC] Trove-sheet, in fact, investigated linkage between certain medications and multiple forms of disabilities among newborn as well as unborn babies. The term ‘iatro-teratogenesis’ or the iatro-teratogenicity, refers to the deadly spectacle-manifestations and pandemic outbreaks of ‘irrational medications’ that are administered during pregnancy or in lactation periods. Dr Hafi says that despite huge developments in ‘medical measures’ like vaccine-inoculations, and their massive encroachments, the past 45 years have witnessed an enormous rise in complexities of pre-birth as well as post-birth disabilities. Diverse manifolds of new types and forms of structural as well as functional abnormalities have appeared on the medical scene.