Friday July 26, 2024

Transgender Act termed against social system

By Asim Hussain
October 23, 2022

LAHORE: Speakers at a seminar have said that Transgender Protection Act is a conspiracy against social system and ideological identity of Pakistan.

The speakers ask if the forces of secularism and immoral culture can unite against Islam, then why not the religious parties join hands to fight the conspiracies against Islam and Pakistani society. They were speaking at a seminar titled "Transgender Law: An Attack on Islam’s Social System" organised by Tanzim-e-Islami at Quran Auditorium. TI ameer Shujauddin Sheikh who chaired the seminar said though the legal struggle against this ‘satanic’ law in parliament and Federal Shariat Court is important, but a vigorous and peaceful public movement to counter western conspiracies against Pakistani society is the need of the hour. He urged all religious parties to unite for resisting the machinations of western lobbies to secularise Pakistan.

Jamaat Islami’s Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan said the act is a manifestation of the deep conflict between Western and Islamic civilisations. He said it was time all religious groups unite against new kind of colonialism, which is devising a treacherous diabolical plan of confusing the terms of "sex" and "gender" to allow people the legal right to change or claim their sex to be what they want. He emphasised that the law devilishly makes ‘personal desires, feelings’ as an excuse, instead of actual physical nature and medical authentication, for the definition of transgender, giving freedom to men and women to self-identify their gender. He said an amendment bill has been tabled in Senate to abolish this un-Islamic, illogical law and to protect the rights of the real oppressed group i.e. eunuchs.

Religious scholar Syed Jawad Naqvi said how the enacting of anti-Islam laws such as Transgender Act can be prevented in a democratic system born from the womb of liberalism, since the system makes people’s opinion as the final authority instead of divine revelation, principles, norms, and traditions. He emphasised that the system cannot be changed by following the democracy, and mere change of faces is futile, and the system of Allah must be established through revolutionary struggle. We have to go beyond the sect, school of thought and minor issues to guard the Islamic foundation of Pakistan, otherwise such laws will continue to be made against Islam. People who are lusting for power do not like the interference of religion in the affairs of the state. Therefore, religious groups have to fight liberalism together, he said.

Journalist and columnist Oriya Maqbool Jan termed the act an open attack on Pakistan’s Islamic family system to reduce population under the same global conspiracy. The family system of the West has been destroyed and the totalitarian forces are trying to destroy the social and family system of the Muslim countries. It is surprising that such a law is so secretly made in a country founded on the basis of Islam and no one is aware of it. He said as Federal Shariat Court is hearing the petition to declare this law null and void, people have to raise their voice against this law.

Jamaat-e-Islami naib ameer Dr Farid Ahmed Paracha said at present a global war against Islamic civilisation is being waged by anti-Islam forces, and all religious parties have to fight this tyranny together.