Friday July 26, 2024

PTI rally demands steps for peace in Swat

By Essa Khankhel
October 19, 2022

MINGORA: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, (PTI) Matta chapter, on Tuesday staged a rally for peace in the Swat district.

Holding placards and posters inscribed with slogans for the restoration of peace and against militancy and terrorism, the participants urged the government to take practical steps for bringing lasting peace to the region. Besides PTI workers and local activists, members of civil society, lawyers, traders and people from different walks of life participated in the rally in a large numbers.

Addressing the rally at Matta Chowk, Ihsanullah, the brother of provincial minister Mohibullah Khan, Nasrullah Khan, Adil Khan, Khursheed Khan, PTI Tehsil Chairman Abdullah, traders’ leader Muhammad Zubair, transporters’ leader Muhammad Israr and others said the dream of prosperous Pakistan could not be materialised without peace and tranquillity.

They vowed not to allow anyone to disturb peace in the region and create a law and order situation. The speakers said that the police force was capable of restoring peace and needed to be strengthened and equipped to better handle the volatile situation.

Tehsil chairman Abdullah said that militancy would be tolerated anywhere in Swat valley, adding that all the people would take to the streets if any untoward incident happened in any part of the district. The protesters dispersed later.