Wednesday May 08, 2024

Your daily Horoscope for Thursday, April 18, 2019

Your daily Horoscope for Thursday, April 18, 2019. To find out what the stars say, read the forecast given for your birth sign.

By Web Desk
April 18, 2019
Your daily Horoscope for Thursday, April 18, 2019

What kind of day will you have today? Read our horoscope...


(March 21-April 19)

Some folks have been eager to tell you how to run your life, but they don't have as much insight as you think. Sure, it is nice of them to offer you advice, but no one knows what you need better than you do. You are in control, so don't hesitate to remind people of that fact. If a controversial choice seems like the right move today, go for it! You don't have to answer to anyone except yourself. Take the wheel and keep going down the road.


(April 20-May 20)

While you're busy charming and inspiring everyone around you today, your actions will inadvertently set an idea in motion—and make quite a few people happy. As their muse, you have supplied them with a missing link and the energy to complete something that they feel is important. To you, this may not be a momentous event (and you probably won't even know what you did that was so great), but you should join in their celebration. Accept the role of star.


(May 21-June 20)

With your mind focused on the future, you can see how things are going to be so much easier soon—you just have to get a little further down the road. There's a lot to be said for taking this journey slowly, but if you feel like speeding things up, organize a plan of attack. Grids, checklists, and color-coded folders could rev up your energy and whisk you over all the bumps in the road much more quickly. Speeding up is not mandatory—do it only if you feel ready.


(June 21-July 22)

You have built up a reputation as someone who really knows what they're doing—most people turn to you when they're scrambling for answers. But today you will be on the other side of the equation if you're smart. Do not try to hold up a faltering idea or project all by yourself! Things are moving into an area you don't have much experience in, so reach out and do what's right: ask for help. Your success depends on it.


(July 23-Aug. 22)

Professional athletes do it, so why not you? Visualize success and you'll make it that much easier to attain. It's all about positive thinking and having confidence in yourself. To build up your confidence, stick close to the people who bring out the best in you (they bring out your best because they see it so clearly). For fun, make them a deal—explain to them what their best traits are, and ask them to explain yours to you. It will be an enlightening experience.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Play interpreter to the feuding forces around you today, and you'll enjoy many blessings—including a nice influx of money. Details that you know like the back of your hand are like ancient Greek to someone else—if you come to their aid and do some simple explaining, it will be a win-win situation. Gratitude gives people a long memory, and if you continue coming to people's aid today you will be reaping some huge rewards for a long time to come.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Everyone will be coming to you with their problems today, but luckily you'll love it! It's like a constant affirmation of your listening skills and a testament to the quality of your kickin' advice—your empathetic nature makes everyone feel so relaxed and enables them to open up and say what's really on their mind. Show them you respect them by giving your honest opinions (but only if they ask), and show them how much you cherish them by giving them a big hug!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It seems everyone but you knows what a rock star you are! Today face the mirror, look at yourself in the eye and say "I totally rock." It's all about attitude right now—combine bravado with your effervescent personality and you'll be able to get your foot in any door you knock on. Make things happen! Strike up a conversation with that person who sends your heart fluttering, refuse an unreasonable request, give that grouch a piece of your mind. You rule!


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're living in a material world, and there's no denying it today when a parade of bling and conspicuous consumption pass across your radar. Before you run out and join in on a feeding frenzy of the latest trends or gadgets, check your checkbook. It's time to focus on saving instead of spending. The fact is, you have everything you need right now. No purchase can make you any happier or more attractive. Keep the cash and be proud of your self-discipline.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Sometimes it's tough to know how much information you should share and how much you should keep to yourself. Other people's secrets are just that, so those are definitely off-limits today. But a piece of information of a more ambiguous classification will fall into your lap today. This juicy dirt is much more powerful if you share it, so feel free!The tough part will be figuring out who you can trust. Just consider who is least likely to overreact.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You've been zipping along quite nicely, but you're missing some incredible scenery! It's all about the journey, not the destination, didn't you know that? Reschedule a meeting for another day—if you don't stop to appreciate the things all your hard work has earned you, then what's the point? Besides, letting your mind be quiet for a day enables all sorts of brilliant new ideas to flow in. Spend this day coasting, and you'll find yourself farther along than you realized.


(Feb. 19-Mar 20)

To keep your energy up and your attitude positive, surround yourself with like-minded folks today. Rejoin the social scene and connect with the people who stimulate your passions and really get you thinking about the bigger issues in life. The heavy environment of group think you've been stuck in may have you doubting yourself, but you shouldn't worry—the future belongs to people who think for themselves. Hold on to your convictions and keep your individuality.