Friday July 26, 2024

Jimmy Kimmel says the fanbase shrinks half amid Trump jokes

Jimmy Kimmel also said, "I want to be on the air when Donald Trump goes to jail'

By Web Desk
November 05, 2022
Jimmy Kimmel says the fanbase shrinks half amid Trump jokes
Jimmy Kimmel says the fanbase shrinks half amid Trump jokes

Jimmy Kimmel revealed losing half of the fanbase due to the mocking of former president Donald Trump.

During a podcast with Stitcher's Naked Lunch, the host replied to the question of whether ABC ever voiced concern over his mocking of Trump, "There was one time, right around the beginning of this whole Trump thing… maybe not quite [eight years ago]," Kimmel said. "I said listen, I get it, you're right. I have lost half of my fanbase, maybe more. Ten years ago, among Republicans I was the most popular talk show. At least according to the research they did."

"I get it if [blocking Trump jokes is] what they want to do," Kimmel continued. "I said, 'If that's what you want to do I don't begrudge you for it, but I'm not going to do that. If you want someone else to host the show, that's fine with me. I'm just not going to do it like that.'"

ABC gave in, Kimmel said, adding, "I was serious. I couldn't live with myself [if I didn't grill Trump]."

The feud became personal when the former president tweeted about low ratings for the Oscars after Kimmel hosted in 2018.

"Lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY," Trump wrote. "Problem is, we don't have Stars anymore — except your President (just kidding, of course)!"

The host hits back with ex-president statistics, tweeting, "Thanks, lowest-rated President in history."