Saturday May 11, 2024

People are talking about —

— the fact that someone is doing her job in the manner they are supposed to and how it is headline news instead of being a routine affair as it should be. People say the lady leading the campaign against poor, unhygienic and adulterated items of food has shown her

By our correspondents
August 30, 2015
— the fact that someone is doing her job in the manner they are supposed to and how it is headline news instead of being a routine affair as it should be. People say the lady leading the campaign against poor, unhygienic and adulterated items of food has shown her mettle by cracking down on eating outlets without any discrimination on the basis of size, status and reputation of the business or its owner and setting an example others should follow.
— the delay that took place in announcing the results of the findings of the election tribunal on two NA seats and how it gave a chance to supporters of two political parties to confront each other for hours on end, while also raising questions about why the delay occurred. People say since no rational explanation was given, naturally everyone presumed the worst and now the blame game is going on in full swing between all the factions involved.
— the fact that decisions are taken by the government to make people happy and accrue voting points for the next elections without considering the end result of their false magnanimity. A case in point is permission to import motorcycle rickshaws without giving a thought as to what impact they would have on already traffic congested roads. Now in hindsight, they are thinking of banning them in major cities, leaving those who acquired them in a disgruntled and angry mood.
— the fact that whoever feels like it gets up to protest any decision or inaction by the government or those who are in charge of things, but take the opportunity to dance and create farcical drama because the cameras are rolling. People say this makes the protest appear non-serious and more like an urge to be seen on TV screens than anything else, so protesters should behave in a more organized manner to register their complaints.
— the tactics used by political entities to save face after voicing their thoughts on various issues when facing television cameras so that the world and his wife can hear their remarks. People say after the reaction caused by their remarks is noted, a stalwart of the party jumps in to 'clarify' that what is being construed is not what their patriotic leader meant to imply and his/her remarks are devoid of malice towards any particular person or institution.
— the media hype every time a high profile person is taken into custody or in the news for some negative reason and how the focus shifts every time there is new 'breaking news,' with the current story 'hot' and the previous one brushed under the carpet. People say this gives the impression that pressure tactics are used by influential entities to 'kill' a story when one of their own is in the dock so that they and their kind remain safe. — I.H.