Saturday July 27, 2024

JI calls for withdrawing Transgender Bill

By Our Correspondent
October 02, 2022

LAHORE : Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Sirajul Haq has warned the ruling parties if they failed to abolish Transgender Bill, future generations will not forgive them.

We have given government a face saving one week time to withdraw the un-Islamic law, otherwise a protest movement will be launched from Masjid-i-Shuhda on Friday, he said while addressing a meeting at Mansoorah here on Saturday. He said all religious parties, Ulema, lawyers and student bodies have rejected the bill and announced joining the JI’s movement.

He said the fight of PTI, PMLN and PPP is not for better policies. Western powers through their lobbies first destroyed the country’s economy, now they are attacking Islamic ideological foundations and moral values of the society, he said. Allah has declared interest as a war against Him and His Messenger (SAW), but all three parties opposed Jamaat-e-Islami’s petitions against interest in the superior judiciary during their respective periods of power. He advised the nation to unite and thwart the conspiracies against the country and support Jamaat-e-Islami come to power to abolish all laws against Quran and Sunnah. He said in the name of protecting the transgender, the ugly law has ‘legalised’ homosexuality’, perversion and vulgarity by allowing every person to change sex by applying in Nadra, which has been bound to write the sex of applicants choice in the CNIC. He said even in the West, it is not possible for a person to change gender at will without examination by a medical board which has the authority to determine gender reassignment.

CII opinion on Transgender Act praised: Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam (MJI) president Syed Kafeel Bukhari has hailed the opinion of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) on Transgender Act, saying the opinion is valid and logical. Thanks be to Allah Almighty that all the religious parties have taken notice of the Act, though late, he said while addressing a meeting here Saturday. He emphasised that laws against the nature are in fact inhumane, saying it was surprising how secular lobbies and NGOs managed to get these types of laws enacted so secretly that even the media was kept in ignorance about it. He said if laws are made in the light of divine revelation, peace will prevail in society. MJI naib ameer Abdul Latif Khalid Cheema warned that Qadiani activities against Islam and Pakistan have increased, in Karachi and Chenab Nagar in open violation of Prohibition of Qadiyaniat Act. He said Qadianis in Karachi are misrepresenting themselves as Muslims and their places of worship as mosques which is an open violation of the constitution of Pakistan.

Secretary General Maulana Muhammad Mughira said preparations for Ahrar Khatm-e-Nabuwat annual conference and invitational procession in Chenab Nagar on 11-12 Rabiul Awal are being finalised. He said formal invitations for the conference will be made on Friday sermons next week. MJI leaders offered Fateha for the father of Lahore General Secretary Qari Muhammad Qasim Baloch.