Sunday May 12, 2024

Night and day

July 16, 2022

This letter refers to the article ‘India’s diplomatic success’ (July 13, 2022) by Maryam Mastoor, which highlighted India’s diplomatic achievements. Why does Pakistan lag behind on the diplomatic front, as compared to India? Apart from China, our relations even with other Muslim-majority countries are at a low point. Despite the ruthless treatment meted out to the Muslim minority by the BJP regime, it has managed to expand and deepen ties across the Muslim world. All the Gulf States seem inclined to enhance cooperation with New Delhi. India has refused to let its internal issues affect trade and economic relations with other nations, refusing to deviate from its open diplomatic approach.

On the other hand, Pakistan threw its weight behind the US occupation of Afghanistan, a wholly disastrous endeavour. This American-led misadventure failed to form an inclusive government and bring peace and stability to the war ravaged country. Can Pakistan learn from its neighbours and implement a diplomatic policy that enhances its trade and investment ties across the world?

Guldar Ali Khan Wazir
