Friday July 26, 2024

Oscars invite Pakistani filmmaker as member

By Our Correspondent
July 02, 2022

ISLAMABAD: The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has invited distinguished members of the global film community to join the organisation under various categories and our very own Mohammed Ali Naqvi is one of them.

He is a Pakistani-American filmmaker whose films explore themes of human rights, social justice, politics, and identity in contemporary Muslim and South Asian narratives.Recognising his talent and vision, international acclaim and numerous awards in documentary and filmmaking, Naqvi has been invited to become a member of the Oscars under the category of documentaries. It is indeed a moment of pride for Pakistan.

Mohammed Ali Naqvi is already a member of the Television Academy (Emmys) and IDA (International Documentary Association).Overall 397 members have been invited in various categories. These member will henceforth be able to vote for the Oscar nominations and winners.