Tuesday May 07, 2024

Age old story

December 09, 2021

At the risk of beating the old drum, I say that our political parties are only interested in playing blame games. They are not serious about solving the problems of ordinary people and simply want to leverage any situation to their political advantage. The country is in the grip of multiple grave threats such as excruciating inflation, struggling economy, resurfacing of Covid-19 threat, and drought-like conditions in the country.

However, there is not even a hint of an effort to suggest a solution to these problems. Had they even a shred of concern for people, they would have made serious suggestions on how to get the country out of the current mess. We just had one of the driest months of November and there is a risk of low yield of crops this season. This may create yet another challenge facing the country in a few months. One cannot but help wish that the country’s politicians could agree on some core issues and start planning well in advance to prepare for the inevitable rather than panicking later.

Raja Shafaatullah
