Monday June 17, 2024

ANP slams PM for his remarks about Pakhtuns

By Bureau report
September 30, 2021

PESHAWAR: The Awami National Party (ANP) on Wednesday criticised the prime minister for his alleged remarks against the Pakhtuns while making a speech at the United National General Assembly (UNGA) meeting.

Speaking at a news conference, ANP’s spokesperson Samar Bilour said that the remarks of the prime minister had hurt the sentiments of the Pakhtuns.

She was flanked by members of her party’s provincial information committee on this occasion.

Samar Bilour, who is Member Provincial Assembly (MPA), asked the government to take leaders of the political parties and other stakeholders into confidence to help devise a strategy to steer the country out of the prevailing mess.

She said the ANP rendered sacrifices and lost many leaders and workers including former minister late Bashir Bilour and his son Haroon Bilour in the fight against terrorism.

The MPA added the remarks of the prime minister had hurt sentiments of those who lost near and dears ones to acts of subversion.

The ANP leader observed that the media was facing restrictions, saying her party believed in freedom of expression and a free and independent media.

She said the media played an important role in highlighting problems of people.

She said the wrong economic policies of the rulers had made the lives of people miserable.

The prices of daily commodities and petroleum products were increasing with each passing day, which had added to the woes of the commoners, she added.

The people, she said, were worried about the growing price-hike but the rulers were least bothered to resolve the problems facing the people.

She said the provincial government had failed to safeguard the rights of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Terming it injustice with the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, she said the federal and provincial governments had ignored the constitutional rights of people.