Monday June 17, 2024

PTI govt saved country from bankruptcy: Ejaz

August 22, 2021

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Senator Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhry said on Saturday the incumbent government had saved the country from bankruptcy and this credit goes to Prime Minister Imran Khan for his far-sighted vision.

Addressing a press conference along with Opposition Leader in Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh, he said that Pakistan was facilitating for evacuation of foreigners from Afghanistan and the Prime Minister Imran Khan had been stressing for non-interference in Afghanistan.

He said Pakistan had to suffer a lot due to chaos in the region. Ejaz Chaudhry appreciated the incumbent government for taking bold and judicious decisions to control coronavirus pandemic. He said the Punjab government under the leadership of Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar had collected a record revenue in last three years.

Opposition Leader in Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh while criticizing the Sindh government said that PPP had committed corruption of money which it got under the 18th amendment. He alleged that during the 13 years of PPP government, about 40 percent money had been plundered. Haleem Adil Sheikh said there was a glaring difference between the performance of the PTI government and previous governments. He said that people of Sindh were being deprived of education and health facilities. Strengthening of federating units was essential for the stability and prosperity of the country, he added.