Sunday June 16, 2024

Uzbek diplomat stresses Afghan issue resolution for regional integration

By Bureau report
November 19, 2020

PESHAWAR: Charge de Affairs Embassy of Uzbekistan Saadulla Tashmatov Wednesday stressed the need for peaceful resolution of Afghan issue to promote meaningful integration and cooperation among the regional countries.

He was speaking as the chief guest at the roundtable discussion on “Uzbekistan-Pakistan Joint Collaboration for Peace and Stability in Afghanistan” at the Area Study Center, University of Peshawar.

The Uzbek diplomat said very soon Termiz and Peshawar would be declared sister cities by the Government of Uzbekistan because Termiz was the gateway to Central Asia and Peshawar to South Asia. He added that Uzbekistan was looking forward to connecting Termiz, southern Uzbek city, with Peshawar through rail and thus have access to the Sea Lanes of Communication via Pakistan.

The diplomat said that both the countries were looking towards each other for enhanced connectivity via Afghanistan and were ready to play constructive roles in the peace and stability of Afghanistan. He said the only way forward for the entire region is peace and stability in Afghanistan and therefore consistent efforts were needed to help the peace process and contribute to the socio-economic development of Afghanistan.

The event was attended by professors, directors and heads of various departments of the university and students from different disciplines.

Speaking on the occasion Dr Shabir Ahmad Khan, Director Area Study Center, said that regional integration should guide the two countries for coming closer to each other.

The academician said one of the main factors in the overall progress, developments of developed nations is their successful connectivity in their respective regions. “Pakistan and Uzbekistan need to make consistent efforts for mutual connectivity through Afghanistan to reap the benefits of regional resources,” he added.

Dr Shabir suggested that both the countries should have a bilateral mechanism for quick liaison between the two countries, specifically on Afghanistan. This mechanism can be under the special representatives for Afghanistan or independent as the two countries deem it appropriate.

Dr Minhas Majeed, International Relations Department University of Peshawar, said both Uzbekistan and Pakistan have the commonality of views on Afghanistan imbroglio and the prospects are bright for mutual coordination on the Afghan issue.

She said the multilateral forum such as SCO and ECO can be utilized for peace and development in Afghanistan.

Col Khalid Taimur, Executive Director of Center for Global and Strategic Studies Islamabad also spoke on the occasion.