Sunday June 16, 2024

Hurriyat leaders denounce Indian shelling at civilian population along LoC

November 15, 2020

SRINAGAR: In Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), Hurriyat forum led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and other Hurriyat leaders and organisations have condemned the unprovoked shelling by the Indian Army on the civilian population of AJK along the LoC.

The Hurriyat forum in a statement issued in Srinagar Saturday expressed deep grief over the repeated escalation at the LoC that has resulted in the loss of human lives and property.

It reiterated its appeal to both India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means for the sake of humanity and millions of humans living in the region.

The Hurriyat forum urged the governments of India and Pakistan to come to the table to settle the lingering dispute and bring an end to the bloodshed on both sides of the LoC.

The acting chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Abdul Hameed Butt in a statement in Srinagar said shelling by Indian Army along the LoC was a clear manifestation of Indian aggression that had resulted in the killing and injuring of civilians including children, women and the elderly besides destruction of livestock and property. Butt appealed to the United Nations to take notice of Indian brutalities and play its role in stopping the repeated exchange of fire at the LoC.

Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawteen Chairperson Zamruda Habib in a statement expressed grief over the killings at the LoC and stressed peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. She appealed to the governments of India and Pakistan to shun confrontations and start meaningful and result-oriented dialogue for amicable settlement of the dispute.

Islami Tanzeem-e-Azadi Chairperson Abdul Samad Inqilabi in a statement denounced the shelling by the Indian forces at the LoC. He urged the international community to play its role in resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

Tehreek-e-Wahdat-e-Islami spokesperson said India’s expansionist ambitions had put the peace of the entire region at stake. He said Modi-led Hindutva government on the one hand was continuing its killing spree in IIOJK while on the other it was continuously targeting the civilian population along the LoC and Working Boundary.