Sunday June 16, 2024

PDM gatherings want NRO from govt: Gill

November 01, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Political Communication Dr Shahbaz Gill on Saturday said the main objective of the opposition leaders to hold Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) gatherings is to put pressure on the government to get a National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) is a group of corrupt elements that would be made accountable to people for their malpractices and misappropriation of public money, he said while talking to a private news channel. He accused the opposition of putting national interests and security at stake for their personal interests, saying that the country’s enemies are taking advantage of the environment created by the opposition. He said that government would never give NRO and PM Imran Khan would bring back the money looted by PDM leaders. He said the opposition is allowed to hold public gatherings only within the limits of the law and no one is allowed to raise provocative slogans against the state institutions or initiate conflict with law-enforcers. He said the Pakistan Army has rendered matchless sacrifices for the security of the homeland. He said the prime minister and his team have been taking solid steps to improve the economy. The journey of public service will not be halted and will continue, he assured.