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Dr Faisal joins WEF’s Global Future Council on synthetic biology

By Bureau report
October 21, 2020

PESHAWAR: The World Economic Forum has nominated 25 of the world experts and leaders as part of the Global Future Council on synthetic biology.

The council includes leading innovators, scientists, government leaders, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who have been appointed for a term of one year. Synthetic biology is the cutting-edge discipline of science that deals with the design and engineering of living organisms including bacteria, yeast, plants and animal cells that can have applications in different industries including medicine, food and agriculture, feed and livestock, energy, materials, paper and leather.

Dr Faisal Khan is a pioneering and award-winning biologist based in Peshawar and has been leading a growing research group with researchers and students from different fields. He was responsible for the design, development and execution of the famous ADP scheme on propagating synthetic biology for the first time in Pakistan at CECOS University.