Friday July 26, 2024

Unequal distribution of uplift funds stopped: CM Usman Buzdar

By Our Correspondent
July 18, 2020

MULTAN/LAHORE:Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has said a new era of progress and development has started in the province.

He was chairing a meeting at Multan International Airport after his arrival from Dera Ghazi Khan on Friday. South Punjab Additional Chief Secretary Zahid Akhtar Zaman and Additional IGP Inam Ghani were also present in the meeting.

The chief minister also reviewed the Multan development package and law and order measures. He said that special funds had been allocated for Multan Division in the budget 2020-2021.

The establishment of the South Punjab Administrative Secretariat (SPAS) would prove a milestone in solving the people’s problems without travelling to Lahore, he said. Usman Buzdar said the establishment of SPAS was a gift from the government to the people of underprivileged areas.

The chapter of unequal distribution of development funds has closed and the underprivileged regions are the prime focus of development according to the Prime Minister's vision, he remarked. He also directed administration for accelerating pace of development work with quality standards.

The administration must ensure transparency in expenditures and nobody would be allowed to misuse national resources. He directed police that no leniency would be tolerated in the protection of the people’s lives.

He also ordered a crackdown against gangsters and criminals, stockists and profiteers to provide maximum relief to masses. The official concerned should visit fields and monitor prices in markets on a daily basis toensure relief for people, he said.

plantation drive: Usman Buzdar Friday said trees played a vital role in environment, besides well-being of humans and the message needed to be spread far and wide in the interest of all. He said this on the occasion of inauguration of monsoon plantation drive in DG Khan.

He planted a sapling at Circuit House in DG Khan and prayed for the success of the plantation drive. "The people should be educated about the importance of tree plantation and attention be paid to the maintenance of saplings planted", the CM said.

people’s problems: Assembly members and citizens called on Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday at Circuit House, DG Khan and discussed matters pertaining to public problems.

The chief minister assured that he would visit every city to help in resolving the public problems, saying engaging with common man helped in understanding the ground realities. The government was engaged in the task of public service with full commitment, but added that the designs of the conspirators would be foiled again, he said adding these elements could not hinder the journey of development.

Usman Buzdar regretted that costly glamorous projects were started in the past, whereas the present government ended this bad practice. The PTI government was committed to safeguard rights of South Punjab and it would be made it a model of development, he added.

The chief minister also announced that provision of clean drinking water to DG Khan Division was a priority, adding that special funds had been allocated to further improve health and education facilities.

He announced that no leniency would be shown over theft of water. Meanwhile, resources would be provided for repair and maintenance of roads in DG Khan Division. He asserted that no compromise would be made over the quality of public welfare projects as merit was the policy, adding police and administration were given free hand to take healthy steps for improvement.