Tuesday May 07, 2024

Bernie and Bolivia

By Shamus Cooke
November 24, 2019

Coups are delicate actions that require ideal conditions to congeal. As quickly as they spring into life they can dissolve into mush. When things hang in the balance a final push is still required, and Bolivia’s far-right military coup is in jeopardy of failing.

Mass protests have engulfed the nation to the point where food and gas was airlifted to several cities after major highways were blocked by a peasant union. Police repression has resulted in 24 killed and hundreds wounded, but in some areas the police have been overrun, in other areas police have joined protestors. A union federation is preparing for a possible general strike while actual fascist gangs in Santa Cruz terrorize protestors. The Bolivian Congress – dominated by Evo Morales’ party – voted to condemn the coup and will continue to recognize Evo Morales as president.

It’s a critical moment where strategic interventions can have big impacts, and Bernie is in a key position of power. Because coups are fragile entities – especially in their initial stages – they require quick and bold action to stop. Political leaders across the world instantly condemned the coup, though Bernie waited 24 hours before saying that he was “concerned” about “what appears to be a coup”.

Bernie was then quiet on the matter, until nearly a week later when he was asked on TV about his prior remarks, questioning whether his use of the word “coup” was appropriate (the US media has endlessly debated this plainly self-evident fact). Bernie’s answer included favorable comments about Evo Morales’ accomplishments while concluding with applying the standard definition of a coup to Bolivia.

These comments, while good, were pretty mild, but Evo Morales appeared jubilant on Twitter:

“My greeting and thanks to the brother @BernieSanders, US presidential candidate, for highlighting our poverty reduction task and denouncing the #GolpeDeEstadoEnBolivia [Coup d’état in Bolivia]. The international community demands Bolivia’s return to democracy”

Evo wasn’t overreacting but expressing how important Bernie’s words are, since Sanders could very well be the next US president. People in Latin America watch intently which way the wind blows in the United States and adjust their sails accordingly. Bernie has spoken some truth on Bolivia’s coup, but much more can and should be done.

For example, If Bernie publicly demanded that Trump withdraw support from the coup-government, the coup would be instantly weakened; likewise, If Bernie discussed Bolivia on the campaign trail or insisted that US aid or trade with Bolivia be restricted if further bloodshed occurs. If Bernie pledged that a Sanders’ government would support reinstating Evo Morales, the coup might crumble overnight. If Sanders encouraged protests in the US against the Bolivian coup, the protesting Bolivians would be emboldened, as would the momentum to impeach Trump.

We shouldn’t forget that Bolivia’s coup was birthed by false allegations of electoral fraud, a rumor started by Marco Rubio for the purpose of coup fuel. Rubio is well connected to Latin America’s oligarchs, and his words mattered.

Bernie’s words really could save lives in Bolivia, and when there’s a matter of life and death, silence can kill. Coups succeed in the dark, where dirty wars “stabilize” the new dictatorship via bloodshed, requiring Bernie to shine light on the topic.

Bernie’s words matter because Bolivia’s newborn fascist dictatorship is weak, a baby still dependent on the incubator.

Excerpted from: 'What Bolivia Needs From Bernie'. Courtesy: