Occasionally there is talk of banning the violent messages being disseminated by hard-line clerics or enforcing stricter controls on madressah education. No doubt this will contribute to reducing the number of individuals who are influenced into joining up with terror groups but little is being done to reduce the overall extremist mindset that grips this whole country.
We as a nation are intolerant of diversity in every form. Minorities are not just targeted by terrorists but by ordinary individuals who delight in heaping indignities on those belonging to other sects or religions. The inferior role of women is preached not just by hardliners. We reduce people to caricatures defined only by their most superficial characteristics. Is it a wonder then that someone growing up in a society like this could easily be drawn into an ideology that dehumanises all those who do not adhere to it?
Education from expensive schools and universities goes only so far. In households both rich and poor a conservative, close-minded approach is preferred and reflected in behaviour. Most people who claim to be liberal only believe in those values to the extent that they apply to their own lives. When it comes to discrimination, no social class in this country can claim to be any better than some other. Just the very fact that we still have the image of a dumb thug terrorist in minds goes to show the walls we have set up to distinguish ourselves from others.
If Pakistanis truly want to rid themselves of the demon of violence and terrorism, we should first take a long, hard look at ourselves and assess how we too by our discriminatory attitudes contribute towards the continued hold of violent ideologies in our country.
The writer is a business studies graduate from southern Punjab. Email: asna.ali90@ gmail.com
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