Friday July 26, 2024

Call to revisit INGO registration policy

By Our Correspondent
October 10, 2018

LAHORE: Civil society organisations working in Pakistan have urged the government, particularly the Ministry of Interior, to revisit its decision of rejecting the registration applications of several International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs), which have

been asked to leave without any plausible justification.

In a statement released here Tuesday, the NGOs members expressed concern over the reported rejection of the registration applications of several international organisations. “We believe that this decision would negatively impact country’s development agenda and its image internationally,” a statement said.

The government has rejected the registration of over 18 INGOs last week and some of them have already received the rejection letters dated 2nd October 2018. Similar action on a second batch of 29 INGOs is said to be pending. They urged the government to withdraw the rejection letters issued to INGOs.