Tuesday May 07, 2024

Plight of labourers

May 07, 2018

Labourers in our country work in precarious and hazardous conditions. Land and factory owners exploit the poor working class in every possible manner. These profiteers should be mindful of the fact that with the sweat of these workers, their mills and factories run. They work from dawn to dusk and earn meagre wages. They do not have any medical benefit and in case of illness or any other emergency, they have to borrow from others. They cannot send their children to schools.

The entire family suffers if the sole breadwinner falls ill or dies accidentally. The families of hapless victims of the spine-chilling Baldia Town factory fire and the blood-curdling Gadani shipbreaking yard tragedy are still struggling for justice, but to no avail. We need to do away with paying only lip service to the plight of labourers. We should rise for their rights and get them freed from the clutches of exploitation.

Muhammad Fayyaz
