Saturday July 27, 2024

Indian Army has lost its conscience in Kashmir: JKCHR

By our correspondents
May 17, 2017


Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JKCHR) has said that Indian Army Major Nitin Gogol, who tied Farooq Ahmad Dar, as human shield on polling day in Budgam in April has committed a war crime and has to be dealt with accordingly, says a press release.

The report that military Court of Inquiry has given him a clean chit, is another despicable example that Indian Army has lost its conscience and has depraved itself to the lowest. It seems that Indian Government has decided to replay a Mahabharata in the Valley of Kashmir.

JKCHR President Dr. Syed Nazir Gilani has said that the observation by Court Of Inquiry that “The means used by the officer could have been different, but the objective was perfectly met”, is unfortunate and provocative. This precedent could rightfully unfreeze all those elements that have been frozen into a non-action (non use of force) by the UN Security Council Resolutions that there would be a UN supervised referendum in Kashmir. These frozen elements according to UN Resolutions are the ‘invaders’, ‘insurgents’ ‘people of Kashmir’ ‘Government of Pakistan’ and the world community represented by the United nations. If means are justified to meet a perfect end, the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, called the State Subjects, reserve a right to use any means, any time and in any part of the world to weaken the Indian military occupation in Kashmir. It will break the hell lose and good community relations will collapse

JKCHR president said that Farooq Ahmad Dar is not an Indian citizen and Indian Army is an occupation force by virtue of its violation of four conditions rendered in the bilateral agreement of October 1947 with the Kashmir Government and further violation of the conditions placed on its behaviour, number and location by the UN Resolution of 21 April 1948. Indian Army is engaged in a war with the civilian population and at the same time is at war with the principles of UN Charter.

Dr. Nazir Gilani has said that on his return to London he would be talking up the matter with new APPG on Kashmir in the British Parliament, Commonwealth Secretary General, European Union, OIC and human rights organizations in various important capitals of the world. JKCHR would prepare a dossier for the 72nd Session of UN General Assembly scheduled in September this year. We will liaise with all others in the Diaspora who are engaged in defending the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and in particular the right of self-determination.

JKCHR president asked the Government of Azad Kashmir to use its share of UNCIP authority that it has agreed to discharge with the Government of Pakistan in Interim Constitution Act 1974. Dr.

Nazir Gilani said that it is high time that revenue earned from Kashmir properties in Pakistan is consolidated and one or two of these buildings are used as a Kashmir Secretariat under Government of Pakistani’s duties assumed under UNCIP Resolutions. The Secretariat could house the APHC, those outside APHC and other civil society organisations under one roof for an effective and more focussed work on Kashmir.