Monday February 10, 2025

Price violations persist; Qeemat App not updated

By Jawwad Rizvi
February 03, 2025
This image taken on December 8, 2024, shows a user opening Qeemat Punjab mobile application on his phone in Karachi. —
This image taken on December 8, 2024, shows a user opening Qeemat Punjab mobile application on his phone in Karachi. —

LAHORE:The district administration has failed to update official price list on Qeemat App. It suggests consumers to register their complaints on the App for prompt action against price list violations.

How one can register a price violation and overcharging compliant on the App when updated fresh rate list is not available on the App from where one will compare between the official rates and the rates being charged. The issue was highlighted repeatedly, but the staff concerned didn’t take action. Evidence was also sent to the DC to get version, but no response was received until filing of this report.

It is important that now the government has initiated preparations for Ramazan in which complaints of overcharging increased. But the government officials are not considering the importance of Qeemat App and keep ignoring it. The district administration also failed to implement the official rates as almost all perishable items are being sold much higher than the official rates.

In the case of vegetables, the sellers are selling B and C category items higher than the A category rates and for A category charging doubled to the official rates. This week the price of chicken was reduced by Rs11 per kg in official rate list and fixed at Rs386-400 per kg, which sold at Rs460-480 per kg, and chicken meat by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs580 per kg, and sold Rs680-1000 per kg on Sunday.

The price of potato soft skin A-grade was reduced by Rs9 per kg, fixed at Rs49-53 per kg, sold at Rs100 per kg, B-grade at Rs46-50 per kg and C-grade at Rs36-40 per kg, mixed sold at Rs60-80 per kg. The price of onion A-grade declined by Rs2 per kg, fixed at Rs74-80 per kg, sold at Rs120-125 per kg, B-grade at Rs70-75 per kg, and C-grade at Rs50-55 per kg, mixed sold at Rs80-100 per kg.

The price of tomato A-grade further reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs58-65 per kg, sold at Rs130-150 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs45-50 per kg, and C-grade at Rs36-40 per kg, mixed sold at Rs80-100 per kg. The price of garlic local gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs525-550 per kg, sold at Rs800 per kg, Garlic GI variety by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs334-350 per kg, sold at Rs400-450 per kg and Garlic China unchanged at Rs553-580 per kg, sold at Rs800-1000 per kg.

The price of both Ginger Thai and Chinese was further gained by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs353-370 per kg, both sold at Rs450-600 per kg.

Cucumber Farm unchanged at Rs76-80 per kg, sold at Rs120-150 per kg.

Brinjal price was further gained by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs76-80 per kg, sold at Rs120-160 per kg.

Biter gourd reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs105-110 per kg, sold at Rs160-180 per kg.

The price Spinach gained by Rs5 per kg, at Rs28-30 at Rs60-80 per kg.

Zucchini farm unchanged at 38-40 per kg, sold at Rs80-120 per kg, and Zucchini long reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs28-30 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg.

The lemon Chinese increased by Rs2 per kg, fixed at Rs88-90 per kg, sold at Rs150-200 per kg.

Green chili gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs105-110 per kg, sold at Rs180-200 per kg.

Capsicum price was further reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs76-80 per kg, sold at Rs150-180 per kg.

Price of cauliflower reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs28-30 per kg, sold at Rs50-80 per kg, cabbage unchanged at Rs33-35 per kg, sold Rs80-100 per kg.

Carrot Chinese fixed at Rs57-60 per kg, sold at Rs300 per kg, carrot local gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs60-80 per kg.

Turnip was gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs33-35 per kg, sold at Rs60-80 per kg.

Fenugreek (Methi) unchanged at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg.

Pea price was further reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs66-70 per kg, sold at Rs60-100 per kg.

Beetroot was sold at Rs150-200 per kg.

Coriander was sold at Rs30 per bundle.

Radish was fixed at Rs23-25 per kg, sold at Rs30-50 per kg.

Saag was fixed at Rs33-35 per kg, sold at Rs60-80 per kg.

Mongray was gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs114-120 per kg, sold at Rs150-180 per kg.

The price of different variety of apples further gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs140-315 per kg, sold at Rs250-600 per kg.

The price of Banana A-category further gained by Rs5 per dozen, at Rs175-195 per dozen, sold at Rs280-300 per dozen, and B-category fixed at Rs103-115 dozen, sold at Rs180-200 per dozen, and C-category fixed at Rs62-70 per dozen, sold at Rs130-150 per dozen.

Guava was reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs130-170 per kg, sold at Rs200-250 per kg.

Kinow was reduced by Rs10 per dozen, fixed Rs195-375 per dozen, sold at Rs250-450 per dozen.

Fruiter was further increased by Rs5 per dozen, fixed at Rs170-230 per dozen, sold at Rs250-350 per dozen.

Pomegranate danaydar fixed at Rs343-360 per kg, sold at Rs450-500 per kg, pomegranate kandahari further gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs305-430 per kg, sold at Rs500-700 per kg, pomegranate Bedana gained by Rs45 per kg, fixed at Rs587-615 per kg, sold at Rs1000-1200 per kg.

Dates were gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs385-440 per kg, sold at Rs600 to 1400 per kg.

Papaya further gained by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs257-270 per kg, sold at Rs300-350 per kg.

Grapes tofi gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs277-290 per kg, sold at Rs600-800 per kg.

Musami was further gained by Rs5 per dozen, fixed at Rs135-155 per dozen, sold at Rs220- 280 per dozen.

Grapefruit was further gained by Rs5 per piece, fixed at Rs38-40 per piece, sold at Rs50-60 per piece.

Corn was fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs50-60 per kg.

Sweet potato fixed at Rs86-90 per kg, sold at Rs120-150 per kg.