Saturday July 27, 2024

Tayyip Erdogan asks Yildirim to form new govt

By our correspondents
May 23, 2016

Turkey’s incoming PM says new constitution top priority

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan asked the new leader of the ruling AK Party, Binali Yildirim, to form a new government on Sunday, according to a presidential statement, confirming him as the country’s new prime minister.

"Our president has mandated AK Party chairman Binali Yildirim to form the 65th government," the statement said.-Reuters

Meanwhile, Turkey’s incoming prime minister said his new government’s top priority would be a new constitution to create an executive presidency, a move that would give President Tayyip Erdogan the broad powers he has long sought.

Binali Yildirim also told a special congress of the ruling AK Party on Sunday that he would continue the fight against Islamic State and Kurdish militants at home and in Syria, saying the change in leadership would not affect the campaign.

"The problems of this nation and the love of this nation are the president’s responsibility," he said.

"The new constitution will be for an executive presidential system." Yildirim, the current transport minister and a close ally of Erdogan for two decades, was the sole candidate for party head, and therefore the next premier.

He will replace Ahmet Davutoglu who announced that he would step down this month following weeks of public tension with Erdogan.

The official vote is due later in the day, and Yildirim is expected to speak again once he is elected as party head.

A co-founder with Erdogan of the AKP, Yildirim has been the driving force behind major infrastructure projects in Turkey which were one of the pillars of the party’s electoral successes during its first decade in power.

He has been seen as someone who will help pursue two of Erdogan’s biggest priorities - an executive presidency and the fight against militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the largely Kurdish southeast.

Erdogan and his supporters see an executive presidency, akin to the system in the United States or France, as a guarantee against the fractious coalition politics that hampered the government in the 1990s.

His opponents, including some sceptics within the AKP, say he is merely furthering his own ambition. Yildirim was elected as a deputy for Istanbul in November 2002 when the AKP won its first election.

He was appointed transport, maritime and communications minister, a post which he then almost continuously held in successive governments. His ties to Erdogan date back to the 1990s when Yildirim, educated in shipbuilding and marine sciences, was in charge of a high-speed ferry company in Istanbul, where Erdogan was mayor.