Monday February 10, 2025

ILTC asks IC Pakistan factions to resolve issues by July

By Waqar Hamza
May 16, 2024
A representational image of a person preparing to take a shot during a tennis match. — Pexels
A representational image of a person preparing to take a shot during a tennis match. — Pexels

KARACHI: The International Lawn Tennis Club (ILTC) has shown concerns over the formation of two factions of IC Pakistan and asked them to resolve their issues before July.

In a response to Inam-ul-Haq, secretary of newly formed IC Pakistan, Chairman ILTC Peter Mcquibban has asked both the factions to “resolve these matters locally [as] this is an issue that needs to be resolved on the ground in Pakistan at the national level”.

Peter also responded to Asif Dar, an IC Pakistan member: “I’m going to send you, Salim Saifullah [head of one faction of IC Pakistan] and Ali Murtaza [Chairman ITA] an email asking you to meet and do that - ideally before the IC Council AGM in July. You can bring in others from the IC of Pakistan as required. With best wishes for a speedy resolution of this matter”.

It is to be noted that former President of Pakistan Tennis Federation Salim Saifullah assumed the charge of president of IC Pakistan earlier this month due to the declining health of Saeed Ahmed, who had been the acting president of the IC since the passing of tennis legend Khawaja Saeed Hai.

Soon after this, as many as 21 members of IC Pakistan convened the annual general meeting of the club on May 5th in Lahore and unanimously elected the executive committee members headed by Shafat Ahmed to run the affairs of IC Pakistan for next four years.

Secretary Inam-ul-Haq then shared the AGM minutes with Peter, Chairman ILTC, and clarified that no AGM of IC Pakistan was held since 2008, hence the current AGM was held with one-point agenda of holding of fresh elections.

“The IC Pakistan was established in 1983 and its first AGM held in 2004 in Lahore. In 2006, the constitution was updated with the list of members,” stated Inam in his letter to Peter. He added that the IC Pakistan headed by Salim Saifullah is not genuine because all its officials were never members of IC Pakistan, therefore, only genuine members have elected the executive committee members as per constitution in the recent AGM to save IC Pakistan. “They [the faction headed by Salim Saifullah] don’t hold ILTC membership and forced their selection without proper elections,” stated Inam.