Wednesday February 12, 2025

Drive against token tax defaulters

May 13, 2024
Rawalpindi Excise officer stops a vehicle at a checkpoint. — Islamabad Post/File
Rawalpindi Excise officer stops a vehicle at a checkpoint. — Islamabad Post/File

Rawalpindi:Excise Rawalpindi has laun­ched an operation against token tax defaulters and unregistered vehicles and impounded a large number of loader rickshaws which were without registration.

According to Director Excise Rawalpindi Imran Aslam, on the instructions of Director General, Excise Punjab Faisal Farid, special operation was launched against token tax defaulters and unregistered vehicles in Rawalpindi division as well as in the whole province. In this regard, Excise Rawal­pindi conducted a general hold-up in various areas to check token tax defaulters and unregistered vehicles. He said that indiscriminate action against the defaulters would continue without any discrimination. The teams were directed that vehicles, especially loader rickshaws should be checked.