Sunday June 16, 2024

Crackdown on begging gangs, 23 nabbed

December 16, 2023

Islamabad: In a late-night sting operation, the Assistant Commissioner (City), following the Deputy Commissioner’s directive, launched a targeted sweep against professional beggars across the city subdivision.

This decisive action netted 23 individuals, their pleas for alms replaced by the clanging of handcuffs, ICT spokesman Dr Abdullah Tabasum said on Friday.“Professional beggars exploit our compassion for personal gain,” declared the ICT spokesperson.

This image released on December 15, 2023, shows detained individuals in a late-night sting operation against professional beggars. — Facebook/Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad
This image released on December 15, 2023, shows detained individuals in a late-night sting operation against professional beggars. — Facebook/Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad

“These arrests send a clear message that Islamabad has zero tolerance for such organised begging rings.”The apprehended individuals, identified as professional beggars, were whisked away to the police station.

Meanwhile, any minor children found in their company were placed in the care of the Edhi Centre, ensuring their safety and well-being.This operation is just the latest in a series of ongoing crackdowns led by Assistant Commissioners, demonstrating the city’s unwavering commitment to combating the organized begging menace. One by one, these exploitative rings are being dismantled, restoring the streets to a place of genuine need and compassion, not calculated manipulation.

The ICT authorities urged the citizens that if next time you encounter someone begging remember Islamabad is taking action adding said be wary of professional ploys, and if you suspect exploitation, report it.