Saturday July 27, 2024

CPEC detractors to lose their relevance soon: Kakar

PM Kakar urged the people of Balochistan, particularly the youth, to avail themselves of the historic opportunity of development in the province

December 05, 2023
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar addressing a cabinet meeting in Islamabad, on August 18, 2023. — PMs Office
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar addressing a cabinet meeting in Islamabad, on August 18, 2023. — PM's Office

GWADAR: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar Monday urged the people of Balochistan, particularly the youth, to avail themselves of the historic opportunity of development in the province, as the detractors of CPEC were about to lose their relevance very soon.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of Pak-China Friendship Hospital and Gwadar Seawater Desalination Plant here, Kakar said the journey of CPEC would surely move forward, so joining the development course would be a prudent decision. “Those who think of changing the course (of CPEC) by force, violence or any other means are committing a historic blunder, as their relevance will be over very soon. The prudent decision in the nation’s fate is to join the course of development instead of resisting it and miss the opportunity,” he remarked.

Federal ministers Sami Saeed and Shahid Ashraf Tarar, Caretaker Chief Minister of Balochistan Mir Mardan Domki, Chinese Ambassador in Pakistan Jiang Zaidong and Chinese and Pakistani officials attended the event.

The prime minister said the ease in the form of reduced travel durations across the province was just due to the CPEC intervention.

He told the gathering that trade worth $36 trillion was expected to take place in and around China in near future; therefore, it was a must to join the journey through skill development and claim the share, instead of showing hostility.

He said the journey of China’s modernisation was significance and steering millions of people out of poverty was unprecedented. The prime minister said that the development of China had a positive impact across the region, particularly Pakistan and its Balochistan province.

He said clean drinking water had been an issue faced by the Gwadar people and the desalination plant project would address it to a great extent. Besides, the construction of a 150-bed hospital would provide quality healthcare to the people, he added.

The prime minister also thanked the Chinese ambassador for announcing the solar power project and emergency services for Quetta. Assuring all-out support of the federal and provincial governments on the matter of security, he reiterated that the army, police and law-enforcement agencies would safeguard the Chinese workers even at the cost of their lives.

He expressed hope that Gwadar would complete its course of development soon to become a trade hub with the Pak-China cooperation for the benefit of future generations.

He directed the authorities concerned to connect Northern Zone with main grid to address the electricity issue. Earlier, the prime minister, along with the Chinese ambassador and Balochistan chief minister unveiled the plaques to inaugurate the projects which followed the presentation of the souvenirs to the prime minister as well as the envoy.

PM Kakar, later talking to reporters on the occasion, said the direction of the progress of Balochistan was set forth and expressed confidence that the province would witness a new era of development.

He thanked the provincial government for completion of the development projects, which he said, would facilitate the locals of Gwadar. The prime minister hoped that the financial crunch would be over with the steps taken by the interim government.

To a question on funds allocated for flood-hit areas, he said the world was ready to dole out billions of dollars, however, it depended on how Pakistan could secure the climate financing.

In his address, Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zaidong congratulated the people of Balochistan over the inauguration of the desalination plant providing clean drinking water. He thanked the federal and provincial governments particularly the prime minister for their support to the projects which manifested their commitment to the CPEC.

He said both the projects of hospital and desalination plant would help uplift the living standard of the people of Gwadar.