Saturday July 27, 2024

Prof Khalid awarded Tamgha-e-Imtiaz

By Our Correspondent
March 24, 2023

LAHORE: Country’s leading Neurosurgeon Prof Khalid Mehmood has been awarded with the medal of distinction ‘Tamgha-e-Imtiaz’ by President Dr Arif Alvi in a graceful ceremony on Pakistan Day in Islamabad on Wednesday.

Punjab Institute Of Neurosciences (PINS) ED Prof Khalid is not only the founder of modern treatment methods like DBS for Parkinson's but also introduced new trends and treatment in neurosurgery in the region.

It is mentionable that Prof Dr Khalid Mehmood is associated with the field of neuro health and neurosurgery in Pakistan and has proven his skills abroad as well. Moreover, 29 research documents of Prof Dr Khalid, who has been promoted to Grade 21 by the Punjab government, have been published so far while he also has the honour of representing Pakistan in various countries, including Korea, UK and Europe.

Chairman BoM, Punjab Institute Of Neurosciences, Prof Anjum Habib Vohra also congratulated Prof Khalid for attaining coveted award. Prof Dr Khalid after receiving this Tamgha-e-Imtiaz said that he bows before Allah Almighty on this achievement and would consider it an honour to devote the rest of his life for his country and the nation.