Saturday July 27, 2024

Better treatment in hospitals first priority: Yasmin

By Our Correspondent
December 09, 2022

LAHORE:Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid has said that special attention is being paid to research in medical universities of Punjab and added better treatment in the government hospitals is first priority.

The 31st syndicate meeting of Fatima Jinnah Medical University (FJWU) was held here on Thursday which was presided over by Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid. FJWU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Khalid Masood Gondal, Additional Secretary Finance Department of Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Shahida Farrukh, MS of affiliated hospitals and members of the syndicate participated.

Prof Dr Khalid Masood Gondal paid tribute to Dr Yasmin Rashid for building a state-of-the-art mother and child block in Ganga Ram Hospital. Dr Yasmin Rashid confirmed the decisions of the 30th Syndicate meeting during the meeting. Cardiology department and university cadre posts were approved for the university while degree fees for postgraduate and undergraduate programmes were also approved for the university on the recommendations of the finance and planning committee. In addition to approving the hiring of tax consultants for the affiliated hospitals, it was also approved to upgrade the seat of assistant audit officer of the university. Approval was given to buy split/cabinet AC for the mother and child block in the hospital. During the syndicate meeting, it was approved to give honorarium to the officers and employees working in the mother and child block.

In addition to approval for tendering for procurement of chemicals for DNA for 2023, PTGD was also approved for tendering for procurement of kits for the year 2022-23. She visited the thalassemia centre and gynecology ward at Ganga Ram Hospital and met the children suffering from thalassemia.

animal anesthesia: The Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) arranged a two-day national workshop on "Anesthesia in Pet Animal Practice" which concluded at the UVAS Veterinary Academy here on Wednesday.

UVAS Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Nasim Ahmad presided over the inaugural session of the workshop while Shafique Ahmad Sheikh chaired the concluding ceremony and presented shields among the resource persons, sponsors, organisers and distributed certificates among the participants while Prof Dr Asim Khalid Mehmood, Dr Uzma Fareed Durrani, Dr Zia ullah Mughal and a number of participants from different institutions from all over the country were present.

During the two days workshop, experts delivered their lectures on the topic of physiological aspects of anesthesia, pre- anesthesia assessment of patients, gas anesthesia, birds and rabbit anesthesia, post-anesthesia and surgery and nutritional management in companion animals etc. The aim of the workshop was to impart practical knowledge regarding latest anesthesia techniques in the field of veterinary anesthesia to the small animal practitioners.