

By US Desk
Fri, 04, 21

Muspel, which means “world’s end,” was a fiery region to the south of the Norse world...


1 B: Norse warriors sought a place in Valhalla, where they could live among the gods.

2 C: Most of what we know about Norse mythology comes from two texts known as the Eddas, both of which were not written until the Norse had dropped their mythical beliefs in favour of Christianity.

3 A: The Eddas consist of “The Poetic”, or elder, and “The Prose,” or younger. The first of these is mainly poetry, while the second covers the mythology of the Norse gods.

4 C: Skald were the complex sagas and epic poems of the Norse from 900 to 1200 C.E. Combined with the Eddas, the skald serve as a record of Norse mythology.

5 A: Muspel, which means “world’s end,” was a fiery region to the south of the Norse world.

6 B: When Muspel met Niflheim, the world began — think of it as a big bang for the Vikings.

7 B: The first living thing according to Norse mythology was Ymir, a primordial frost giant.

8 C: After Ymir came a cow named Audhumla that generated four streams of milk to feed the hungry giant.

9 C: Odin destroys Ymir and uses his body parts to make the world — literally. Blood became rivers, and skin became land.

10 A: Odin fashions the first two humans out of logs, naming them Ask and Embla, meaning ash and elm.

11 B: The Norse version of heaven was Asgard, which was filled with palaces and halls, including Valhalla.

12 C: In Norse mythology, Ragnarok refers to an apocalyptic battle between the gods and the giants.

13 C: Balder, known as “the good” or “the beautiful,” was Balder’s favourite son, despite his lack of success and achievement beyond his looks.

14 B: Balder dies when he is struck by a mistletoe dart his blind brother shoots at him.

15 A: Frigg was not only Odin’s wife, but also celebrated as the mother goddess and the ruler of the sky.

16 C: Mjölnir (literally “that which smashes”) is depicted in Norse mythology as a fearsome weapon, capable of leveling mountains.

17 A: Ragnarök is an important event in Norse mythology, and the event is attested primarily in the Poetic Edda and foretells the death not only of Thor, but also of Odin, Tyr, Freyr, Heimdall, and Loki.

18 C: Though Loki is portrayed as a coward, he is quite cunning, particularly when it comes to protect himself.