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Was it TikTok challenge? Woman's body with multiple stabbings found in abandoned church in Italy

French woman's body discovered in remote Italian church as police investigators believe it linked with popular ghost-hunting TikTok challenge

By Web Desk
April 12, 2024
Was it TikTok challenge? Womans body with multiple stabbings found in abandoned church in Italy

A young French woman was found dead in an abandoned church in Italy's Aosta Valley. She was dressed in a style reminiscent of a "vampire" and her body was drained of blood.

The distressing find was made by a hiker, who stumbled upon Laisne's body curled up in a fetal position within the church premises.

Auriane Nathalie Laisne had been seen earlier dressed in dark clothing, and a witness described her as pale. Witnesses recall seeing Laisne and her boyfriend Sohaib dressed in Gothic attire, resembling vampires, before the grim events. One witness described Laisne as appearing "emaciated" and resembling a "corpse" before her untimely death.

“They were dressed like two goths, all in dark. Like those boys who venerate death. I thought: two vampires,” the unidentified witness told the Italian outlet.

“And I also thought something else, for which I now feel very ashamed of: She was so pale she looked like a corpse. I can no longer sleep knowing what happened.”

It is suggested that Laisne might have been participating in a ghost-hunting challenge on TikTok, a popular social media platform.

The 22-year-old received multiple stabbings and gunshots. Laisne's body was drained of blood. Some of her blood had been removed from the scene.

The French police have launched investigation in Grenoble.

“It is a classic femicide motivated by motives of possessiveness and control over the victim’s will,” Aosta prosecutor Luca Ceccanti said, according to Il Giornale.

“The person arrested in Lyon is seriously suspected of the crime of premeditated murder and other aggravating circumstances.”

Laisne had a history of domestic violence with her Sohaib, leading to a restraining order against him in France. Laisne's boyfriend is currently in police custody. He had a domestic violence case against him in France.