Saturday June 01, 2024

Modi, RSS doctrine well-exposed by MP Moitra in Lok Sabha

By Senator Rehman Malik
July 09, 2019

I was watching a lady doing fury speech on internet at mute mode and for a second I thought it was some Bollywood movie’s scene of a lady lawyer defending her client but when I raised the volume, I realised that it was rather a speech of a lady MP who was defending the people of India against Modi, RSSism and the misuse of the name Indian military, fake news and restrictions of Modi on public and private media.

It was great watching her daring speech in the Lok Sabha and this daring and fearless lady happens to be MP Moitra. The viral speech of this Indian MLA Mahua Moitra in Lok Sabha is the first one pointing out the rule of Modi through RSS and this is exactly what I have been advocating for long that India will be ruled though new ideology of RSSism.

The question here is that who will block the Modi doctrine of ruling India through his RSS power line Nazi party of Hitler. The first ever voice that has emerged against this doctrine in the Lok Sabha is of this iron lady named Mahua Moitra.

She is the member of West Bengal Legislative Assembly from All India Trinamool Congress. It is a national level political party in India. Founded on 1st January, 1998, the party is led by its founder and current chief minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee. Following the 2019 general election, it is currently the fourth largest party in the Lok Sabha with 22 seats.

She made a fury speech exposing Narendra Modi his party and RSS. She started as the voice of dissent to be heard today as she stated: “Had the mandate been any less, there would have been a natural checks and balances woven into the narrative. That is not the case. The House belongs to the Opposition. So, I stand today to reclaim this inch that has been guaranteed to us.”

She quoted Maulana and stated: “Let me start by quoting Maulana Azad, whose statue stands tall outside this great hall. He once said of this country that he was fighting to build.

He said, “It is India’s historic destiny that many human races and cultures should flow to her, finding a home in a respectable soil, and that many a caravan should find rest here. There are cultures, our languages, our poetry, our literature, our art, the innumerable happenings of our daily life shall bear the stands of our joined endeavour.”

Here are the main points of speech where she exposed Narendra Modi and all what happened in Indian election and how Narendra Modi is ruling them.

She in fact spoke about Modi’s doctrine for ruling the Indian Janata. She further stated that The Indian Constitution is under threat today and she warned her country men to open their eyes and see the signs everywhere that this country is being torn apart by Narendra Modi. She listed the dangerous signs of fascism as under:

The first sign – there is a powerful and continuing nationalism that is being sphered into our national fabric. It is superficial, it is xenophobic, it is narrow. It has a lust to divide. It is not a desire to unite. Citizens are being thrown out of their homes and are being called illegal immigrants. People who have lived in this country for 50 years have to show a piece of paper to prove they are Indians.

In a country where ministers cannot produce degrees to show that they graduated from college, you expect disposed poor people to show papers as proof that they belong to this country? Slogans and symbols are being used to test religion. There is no one slogan, no one symbol that ensure any Indian that they are patriot.

Second sign – there is resounding disdain for human rights that is permeating in every level of governance. There has been a ten-fold increase in the number of hate crimes between 2014 and 2019. This is like the valuation of an e-commerce start-up, Sir. There are forces in this country that are sitting there just pushing this number up. The lynching of citizens in broad daylight is being condoned. From Pehlu Khan in Rajasthan last year to Mr Ansari in Jharkhand yesterday, the list is not stopping.

She was indirectly pointing towards RSS as to how they are acting in India and how Muslim and Christians are being targeted by them. This very sign has already been quoted in my book “Modi’s War Doctrine” in which I have comprehensively highlighted the factors behind India becoming a dangerous place for minorities. I have also mentioned how Indian election has set a preamble for more brutalities against Muslims in India and their discriminatory attitude towards them.

The RSS made Modi win the elections through their extremist influence over the majority of extremist population living in India. During Narendra Modi’s first regime as PM, alone between years 2015 and 2018, more than 44 people, out of which 36 were Muslims, were killed across 12 Indian states in mob lynching. I have written in detail how Modi during his first tenure spent all his energies to strengthen the RSS by overpowering his opponents and terrorising the media so that it speaks Modi’s language of terror against Muslims.

The third sign – there is an unimaginable subjugation and control of mass media today. Five of the largest news media organisations in India are today either indirectly controlled or indirectly debted to one man in this country. TV channels spent a majority of airtime broadcasting propaganda for the ruling party. Coverage of every Opposition party is cut out. Let the government come out with facts and figures to show ad-spend per media house. What are they spending the money on and which media houses are they blocking out? The Information and Broadcasting Ministry employs over 120 people solely to check the content on TV channels every day to make sure that there is no anti-government news being put out.

This fact of “Media Biasness towards BJP” was revealed long before the elections in my book Modi‘s war doctrine’s chapter No. 17 “Indian Rafale Gate and PM Modi”. There is a detailed description of the famous Rafale gate scandal and why Anil Ambani was privileged through this deal.

“Ambani’s” are one of the richest people of India owning India’s most valuable company by its market value; Reliance Industries Limited. Modi preferred Anil Ambani’s Reliance Defence Group over state-led Hindustan Aeronautics Limited by handing over the jet manufacturing contract of worth 30 thousand crore to Anil Ambani. This is not the only favour that Modi has given to this family but also the fugitives and corrupt members are provided state protection. The reason behind Modi’s generosity towards Ambani’s is what Ms Moitra has also talked about in her speech as Ambani’s own India largest media network “Network 18” which is always busy in portraying Modi as an angel in the eyes of the world as a return of his favours to their corruption and embezzlements.

Fake news is the norm. This election was not fought on the plank of farmer distress. This election was not fought on unemployment. This election was fought on WhatsApp, on fake news, on manipulating minds. Every piece of news that this government, I repeat, every piece of news that this government have put out, every lie that you put out, you repeat and repeat and then it becomes the truth. This is the Goebbels doctrine.

It is the history of Indian general elections, whenever the elections are around the corner, BJP and RSS start working days and nights to intensify the tensions in Kashmir as well as they produce the situation of war escalation on Pak-India border. Modi used fake news of surgical strikes and attack on Pakistan which is quoted in my book as part of Modi’s war doctrine against Pakistan. He keeps finding ways to provoke Pakistan to give reaction on the LoC through constant border violations. Uri attack as well as the Pulwama attacks are the examples of such provoked fake attacks as described in chapter 24 and 25 in detail in my book.

The fourth sign is that there is an obsession with national security – identification of enemies. When we were children our mother used to tell us to do this and do that or kala bhoot will come. It is as though all of us in this country today are in fear of some nameless, shameless kala bhoot. There is fear pervading everywhere. The achievements of the army are being usurped in the name of one man. Is this correct? New enemies are being created every day and the irony is that over the last five years terrorist attacks have gone up manifold. There has been a 106 percent increase in the death of jawans in Kashmir. She is referring to the killings in Kashmir through RSS and the use of name of Indian army in his favour and used Indian Army threat both against the neighbouring countries and in Kashmir. The brutalities of Indian army under his command in Kashmir are confirmed by this MP.

The fifth sign is that the government and religion are now intertwined in this country. Do I even need to speak about this? Need I remind you that we have redefined what it means to be a citizen? With the NRC and the Citizenship Amendment Bill we are making sure that there is only one community that is the target of anti-immigration laws.

Members of Parliament these days are more interested in the fate of 2.77 acres of land than in the 812 million acres of the rest of India. “Yeh sirf 2.77 acre janmabhhoomi ka mudda nahi hain. Yehsara desh, 80 crore acres, ko akhand rakhne ka prashna hai.”

Here again she is talking about the RSS taking over the resources as part of the agreement between Narendra Modi and RSS.

The sixth sign is the most dangerous. There is complete disdain for intellectuals and the arts. There is a repression of all dissent, funding is being cut for liberal education, scientific temperament which is enshrined in Article 51 of the Constitution. There is Article 51 of the Constitution, which demands a scientific temperament. Everything we are doing is pushing India back to the dark ages. Secondary school textbooks are being manipulated and distorted in order to indoctrinate. You don’t even tolerate questioning, let alone dissent.

I wish to quote the great Hindi poet, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar. I wish to tell you this, that the spirit of dissent is integral to India. You cannot shatter us. Again she is talking about RSSism ideology which is being inducted at school level to brain wash with RSS doctrine which is only interested in prevalence of Hindutva in the country and abolition of all other faiths and religions present there.

RSS and BJP are the face of cruel Hindu mind-set which cannot stand people from other religions and are committed to overpower the elements that speak of secularism or equality.

The last sign; there is an erosion of independence in our electoral system. The Election Commission was used to transfer key officials. Rs60,000 crore was spent in this election; 50 percent by one party, Rs27,000 crore. She is hinting how Modi used Election Commission through RSS and managed to win the elections once again. She has very strongly pointed out that there is a danger of fascism rising in India by rightly pointing out her fears in the speech.

All above fears are turning into reality as in fact it is Modi doctrine who has a mind-set of using aggression and has a syndrome to rule India through RSS militants and try to deal with his neighbours through his war doctrine.

I fully endorse her seven points as I had already exposed this course of action of Modi in my book. Also my fears do not end here as I foresee a large scale elimination of anti-Modi leadership and mass killings in Kashmir as rightly hinted by MP Moitra. The ban on media is direct restriction on freedom of speech and small voices have been suppressed.

Will Indian media televise this speech of MP Mahua Moitra? Of course NOT! I feel that MP Mahua Moitra’s life is also in danger the way Samjhauta Express’s investigator DIG Karakrey’s was alleged of treachery and later eliminated for calling out RSS as the master mind behind the attack.

The writer is chairman of think tank "global eye" & former interior minister of Pakistan. @Email:, Twitter @Senrehmanmalik, @GlobalEye_GSA, WhatsApp +923325559393