Saturday June 15, 2024

Religious harmony: Ulema pledge cooperation for implementing code of conduct

By Our Correspondent
July 09, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Ulema, mashaykh and religious scholars have vowed cooperation for implementing 'Paigham-e-Pakistan' code of conduct for creating religious harmony in the country.

They appealed to people to abide by the code of conduct, saying that the Paigham-e-Pakistan draft was a unanimously approved document, prepared in the light of the constitution of Pakistan.

“To introduce the Paigham-e-Pakistan draft among masses, public gatherings, ulema and mashaykh conventions, joint gatherings of leadership of different religions and religious sects would be held across country,” said Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council and Special Aide to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony and Middle East Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi while addressing the Paigham-e-Pakistan action plan conference at the International Islamic University Islamabad here on Thursday.

He said for promotion of religious tolerance and harmony during the month of Muharram, implementation of Paigham-e-Pakistan code of conduct would be ensured with cooperation of Muttahida Ulema Board Punjab, Pakistan Ulema Council, Evacuee Trust Property Board, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ulema-Mashaykh from all over the country.

The main features of Paigham-e-Pakistan code of conduct are:-

1) Sectarian hatred, armed sectarian conflict and the use of force to impose one's views on others is against the Islamic Shariah, and any attempt to spread anarchy on the earth is a national crime.

2) Ulema-Mashaykh and muftis of all religious sects of Pakistan have rejected extremist thinking and extremism completely.

3) It is a responsibility of every Muslim to uphold the sanctity and honour of the holy prophets, the companions of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, the wives of Holy Prophet PBUH and the respect of Ahl al-Bayt.

4) Swearing against one other (abusive language), slander, provocation, hatred and killing on the basis of hatred or dissension or imposing one's ideology on others through coercion or persecuting one on the basis of religion or sect is against the Islamic Shariah. All such practices are forbidden and the ulema-mashaykh of the country declare their dissociation from such elements.

5) The use of religious symbols and slogans for private military purposes and for acquisition of armed power is absolutely not correct, according to the teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah.

6) It is the duty of Ulema-Mashaykh and leading religious scholars to make people aware of the difference between right and wrong views, while declaring someone a kafir (takfir) is the jurisdiction of the state, which will be decided by the state according to Islamic Shariah.

7) All non-Muslim citizens of Pakistan have the full right to worship and practise their religion in their worship places and on the occasion of their festivals to commemorate festivities according to their own religions. All rights have been given to non-Muslim citizens by the Constitution of Pakistan, and no individual, group or party can deprive them of those rights.

8) It is not permissible to kill any non-Muslim who lives in a peaceful manner in an Islamic state, and it is a sin and those who violate the Constitution of Pakistan and the laws of Pakistan, it is the responsibility of the state to punish them within the law.

9) According to Islam, respect for women and respect for their rights is necessary for all. Giving women the right to inheritance and the education of women is commanded by Islamic Shariah.

10) The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the sacred trust of Allah Almighty, so it is not permissible to use it for any kind of terrorism and extremism and we all declare our dissociation from such elements.

11) Participating in or supporting the armed uprising against the state of Pakistan in any form is not legal in any way.

12) Armed uprising against the government or the armed forces and other security agencies fall in the category of insurrection which is forbidden by Shariah. We salute the sacrifices and struggle of the armed forces and security agencies of Pakistan for the country and the nation.

13) Only the Islamic state has the authority to start that aspect of Jihad which includes war and killings.

14) The use of force in the name of enforcing Shariah, armed confrontation against the state, sabotage, anarchy and chaos and all forms of terrorism are forbidden under the Islamic Shariah.