Monday June 17, 2024

Serious irregularities detected in Dir’s SBB University

By Arshad Aziz Malik
February 27, 2021

PESHAWAR: The Governor Inspection Team (GIT) has detected serious irregularities in the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Upper Dir. Charges of nepotism and favoritism against the incumbent vice-chancellor have proved and disciplinary action is recommended against him.

The GIT has submitted its report to the governor, who is also the varsity chancellor. The inspection report reveals that the VC had appointed close relatives to different posts, including his daughter and nephew, in violation of merit. A daily wager deputy director security/ admin was illegally assigned five different additional portfolios with extra allowances.

Director Internal Audit was assigned the responsibilities of treasurer. The legal advisor of the university was found to be superintendent store. The GIT has also pointed out financial and administrative shortcomings.

According to the report available with this reporter, the NAB KP had forwarded different complaints against the vice-chancellor to Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Shah Farman for further inquiry. The governor directed the Governor Inspection Team to probe the case and fix responsibility. The GIT investigated 22 charges and found irregularities in 13, while the remaining allegations could not be proved.

However, when contacted, Vice-Chancellor Rehmat Ali denied the allegations, calling them baseless. However, he declined to comment on the report. The report revealed that Rehmat Ali recruited his two daughters Shaista and

Neelam, one of whom was recruited according to the law, while the other’s appointment turned out to be illegal.

Rahmat Ali’s daughter Ms. Neelam was appointed Assistant Junior Mistress despite the fact that she did not meet the criteria, as she had no certificate of CT/PTC which was prerequisite for the post.

The appointment was made in violation of prescribed criteria and shows mala fide on the part of VC and the selection committee. No screening test and interview was conducted for the two posts of a male nurse. Aftab Ali, the nephew of VC, was recommended for appointment as male nurse in violation of rules and regulations.

The vice-chancellor was entitled to a car of 1800cc but he purchased 2800 cc Toyota Fortuner in violation of rules and regulations. The report further revealed that NOC for Computer Science, Geology and Management Sciences was not obtained from the HEC but the admission in these departments was advertised.

Director Internal Audit Muhammad Idrees was assigned the responsibilities of treasurer. This shows mala fide, as director internal audit does audit of the official business of treasurer related utilization of funds. Hence transparency cannot be maintained when both positions are run by a single officer.

The inspection team recommended an audit of his tenure. Besides, the legal advisor of the university was found to be a superintendent store. Instead of a permanent law officer, the university hired legal counsel on the basis of comparative statements and huge payments were made to them.

The vice-chancellor was paying less monthly rent for official residential accommodation at the university. Owing to incompetence and lack of financial management, he pushed the university into multifarious litigations and created 53 audit paras during his tenure.

The vice-chancellor engaged Lt Col (R) Ali Ibrahim on a daily paid basis as Deputy Director Security/Admin from May 16, 2018 till December 31, 2018, and was assigned the additional responsibility of Director School and Colleges in December 13, 2018. He was also made responsible for Pakistan Citizen Portal on February 1, 2019. He was allowed an additional charge allowance of Rs2,500 per month. He was also assigned additional responsibilities of Additional Registrar on February 22, 2019, and was given an extension from January 27, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

He was also nominated as focal person for monitoring and evaluation reports. Ali Ibrahim was also assigned the additional responsibility of Director Admin on September 9, 2020, and allowed an additional charge allowance of Rs2,500 per month.

The inquiry team has observed that all actions regarding his appointment, additional charges extension in service/contract, and extra payment were illegal and void ab-initio. Ali Ibrahim was illegally assigned five different additional portfolios being a daily waged employee and allowed to draw additional allowances.

The inquiry further disclosed that the vice-chancellor assigned the additional responsibility of controller of examination to Dr. Murad Hussain, Assistant Professor Management Sciences, on March 29, 2018, which was contradictory under Section 15 of University Regulation 2009.

Midrarullah was enrolled for Ph.D. in session 2008-9 whereas he was issued NOC for the same on June 15, 2012, which was against the law on the part of the incumbent VC. Dr. Rahmat Ali’s appointment as mathematics professor in 2010 at the University of Malakand was also found illegal because he was short of few month experiences.

The university administration has acquired land as a gift from owners and in return appointed their sons on a regular basis against the decision of the Supreme Court.

Assistant Professor Chemistry department Dr. Nasir Mehmood was illegally posted as HoD of the agriculture department. The HEC had already apprised the administration that Dr. Nasir Mahmood was not eligible for the post.

Similarly, Assistant Professor Sociology Riaz Ahmad was assigned additional responsibilities of the HoD Law department which appears to be unjustifiable as sociology and law have no relevance and are different subjects.