Monday June 17, 2024

Thousands join BLM rally in London

By Pa
June 05, 2020

LONDON: Pockets of protesters clashed with police after thousands of people flooded into central London for a Black Lives Matter demonstration in response to the death of George Floyd.

Activists chanted “black lives matter” and “we will not be silent” in Hyde Park in a peaceful demonstration before tensions escalated later outside Downing Street.

The Metropolitan Police said 13 people were arrested during the protests, which ran into the early hours of Thursday morning. Star Wars actor John Boyega was among those to speak at the rally before protesters, many wearing masks and holding placards, marched on Westminster.

Floyd died after a white officer held him down by pressing a knee into his neck in Minneapolis on May 25, sparking days of protest in the US.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was “appalled and sickened” to see what happened to Floyd, while chief constables from across the UK issued a joint statement saying they “stand alongside all those across the globe who are appalled and horrified”.

Videos shared on social media showed protesters and police clashing outside Downing Street. One officer was pushed to the ground in view of the Houses of Parliament, while another clip showed officers being forced down Whitehall by a group advancing towards them.

An online fundraiser for the UK chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement had reached more than £270,000 on Thursday morning, with the funds going to “support black life against institutional racism”. An online-only rally is due to take place this Sunday.