Monday June 17, 2024

Mali heads to polls despite coronavirus, insecurity

March 28, 2020

BAMAKO: Malians vote Sunday in a long-delayed parliamentary election, despite a raging jihadist conflict, the recent kidnap of a leading opposition politician and the coronavirus pandemic.

Experts see the vote as a key step towards leading the West African state out of its spiral of violence and closer to a political solution to stop the bloodshed. The parliamentary election has been delayed several times since 2018, mostly over security concerns. But Mali´s government says the poll will go ahead on Sunday, even as the novel coronavirus has added to the country´s chronic security problems.

Authorities this week recorded Mali´s first coronavirus cases, and afterwards announced measures including a night-time curfew to stop its spread. In a first for Mali, unidentified gunmen kidnapped leading opposition figure Soumaila Cisse on Wednesday in the volatile centre of the country, killing his bodyguard in the process.

In a televised address made before Cisse was reported missing, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita said the election would go ahead “in scrupulous respect of protective measures”, referring to the health crisis.

The government decided to continue with the election after consulting with the heads of political parties, who argued in favour of maintaining the scheduled date. Candidates for the 147-seat National Assembly can campaign until Friday, although their efforts are hamstrung by an anti-coronavirus measure banning gatherings of over 50 people. Even despite the measure, and the political posters that dot the capital Bamako, there has been little visible enthusiasm for the election in the city. Yet stakes are high.

Mali has been struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency that erupted in the north in 2012, and which has claimed thousands of military and civilian lives. Despite the presence of thousands of French and UN troops, the conflict has since engulfed central Mali and spread to neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger. Holding the election was a key recommendation from crisis talks in December, which aimed at exploring non-military solutions to the country´s worsening violence.