Monday May 06, 2024

The dangers within

December 14, 2018

Around 35 million Pakistanis are active on social media platforms and this figure is increasing rapidly. This is primarily because social media allows people the liberty to criticism without imposing tight constraints on users. However, this freedom has resulted in quite a few challenges that need to be tackled with care. There is now a stronger risk of disseminating fake news because a vast majority of social-media users don’t verify information before sharing it. Furthermore, the government has also encountered many cases of cyber bullying. In addition, social media tends to isolate people from and, in some cases, gives origin to depression and anxiety. Since we are the first generation that has experienced the social media revolution, we aren’t entirely aware of its negative ramification. Therefore, we must use social media with care and a stronger sense of responsibility.

Jabran Ali Goraya
