Monday June 17, 2024

KP govt criticised for torturing students

By Bureau report
October 06, 2018

PESHAWAR: Former federal minister and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Khwaja Mohammad Khan Hoti on Friday condemned the use of force against the students protesting unjustified increase in the admission fee.

Talking to reporters, he said they wanted to give some time to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government to solve the problems facing the people.

He said they would draw the future line of action if the rulers did not mend their ways.

Khwaja Hoti deplored that the administration of the University of Peshawar increased the fee manifold which was a grave injustice with students.

He said it was the democratic right of the students to raise voice for the acceptance of their demands but the so-called champions of democracy did not allow them to stage protest.

The PPP leader came down hard on the KP Police, saying it was neither an exemplary nor professional force.

He said the PTI leaders had been using KP police against its political opponents. He demanded a strict action against those responsible for the use of force against the students.

Khwaja Hoti added the PPP workers would take to the streets to expose the double standards of the PTI government.

He said the PTI government also tried to curb freedom of expression and controlled the media through various tactics.

Khwaja Hoti said it was the responsibility of the government to ensure free press, which is must for democracy.

The PPP leader said the PTI rulers were talking about democracy but they wanted to muzzle the press.

He said the opposition parties supported free media and would join hands against the illegal and unconstitutional activities of the government.

Pakhtun Think -Tank Chairman Syed Akhtar Ali Shah also condemned the baton-charge and teargas shelling of peaceful assembly of students protesting against increase in fee.

He said that rights of assembly and expression were guaranteed under the constitution.

Deploring the action, he said that such cruelty had not happened even during the martial law.