Monday June 17, 2024

PTI rejects JIT formed to probe anti-judiciary campaign

PTI points out that every citizen had full right to criticise state and govt’s actions including court decisions with good intention

By Our Correspondent
January 18, 2024
Supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf wave party flags during a party rally on October 13, 2022. — Facebook/Imran Khan
Supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf wave party flags during a party rally on October 13, 2022. — Facebook/Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Wednesday rejected the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) set up to achieve ‘very vague goals’ of dealing with the criticism on judiciary.

A PTI spokesperson, in a statement issued here, also suggested that if the JIT was really serious to curb the smear campaign against judges, then action should be taken against the ‘bad-mouthed people’ like Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and Aimal Wali Khan instead of harassing citizens of the country.

Reacting to the formation of the JIT to “harass citizens and deprive them of their fundamental constitutional right” to freely express their point of view, the spokesperson said that the Constitution and democracy guaranteed the countrymen the basic rights of expression and criticism and analysis.

He pointed out that every citizen had full right to criticize the state and government’s actions including court decisions with good intention. However, he added that the caretaker government turned Pakistan into a slaughter house of fundamental and constitutional rights.

The PTI spokesperson recalled that the media and social media were under the worst censorship and extra-constitutional and legal curbs during the past 22 months.

He said that the sole purpose of this latest government tactic was to protect the “clearly unjust” judicial decisions made by violating the limits of law, justice and Constitution from public scrutiny and to create a favorable environment for murder of the Constitution and democracy.

He noted that preparations were underway to give the gift of government under state patronage to those who attacked the courts along with their goons, hurled accusations and insults by displaying their pictures in public meetings, besides threatening the judges of higher courts with dire consequences.

He made it clear that history would continue to analyse, what he called, the unjust, flawed and most cruel decision of the Chief Justice of Pakistan disenfranchising over 10 crore Pakistanis by depriving of their political identity.

The PTI spokesperson suggested that the chief justice should give priority to the supremacy of the Constitution over the attempts to bulldoze the basic constitutional rights of citizens under his patronage.

He vowed that the nation would keep on demanding its basic constitutional rights from the state instead of being intimidated by the blind use of force and extra-constitutional administrative tactics.