Monday June 17, 2024

GDA’s board interviews electoral candidates

By Our Correspondent
January 04, 2024

The parliamentary board and core committee of the Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) on Wednesday interviewed prospective candidates from all over Sindh who are desirous to contest the upcoming general elections on the alliance’s ticket.

The meeting was held at the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F) House. It was chaired by the GDA’s chief coordinator, Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashdi. Rashdi said free and fair general elections should be held all over the country, including Sindh, as per the earnest desire of the public. He added that the public would not tolerate any form of rigging in the upcoming general elections.

A woman casts her vote in Pakistans general election at a polling station during the general election in Lahore, Pakistan, on July 25, 2018. — AFP
A woman casts her vote in Pakistan's general election at a polling station during the general election in Lahore, Pakistan, on July 25, 2018. — AFP

He lamented that the past rulers in Sindh had remained busy looting the public exchequer with complete disregard for the sufferings of the people.

Another GDA leader Dr Safdar Ali Abbasi said a single political party had been ruling Sindh for the past 15 years due to rigged polls.

He added that the ruling party in the past had ruined every part of Sindh due to sheer bad governance.

Dr Abbasi said the people of Sindh had been living without the necessities of life as the greedy rulers in the past regime had failed to deliver. He predicted that the GDA would form the next government in the province after getting popular support from the people in the upcoming general elections.

GDA Information Secretary Sardar Abdul Rahim predicted that the Pakistan Peoples Party would be voted out of power by the people in Sindh in the upcoming general elections due to the failure of the PPP to deliver in the past 15 years.

He said the GDA after coming into power would strive hard to ensure fundamental rights for every underprivileged section of Sindh’s population, including women, workers, labourers and farmers.

He said the GDA’s pro-people and welfare-oriented manifesto would be finalised in a week.

Other GDA leaders who spoke on the occasion included Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah, Liaquat Jatoi, Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim, Irfanullah Khan Marwat, Ayaz Latif Palejo, Syed Zain Shah and Barrister Hasnain Mirza.