Balochistan faces a shortage of scholarships, hindering educational opportunities for its residents....
Dear Editor,
Dearth of scholarships
Balochistan faces a shortage of scholarships, hindering educational opportunities for its residents. This lack of support limits access to higher education and skills development, particularly for deserving students with financial constraints. As a result, many bright minds are unable to attain their full potential or pursue their academic goals. By addressing this issue and increasing scholarship availability, more individuals from Balochistan can access quality education, contribute to society, and drive progress in their communities. It is crucial to bridge this gap and provide equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or financial means.
Jamal Rahim, Hoshab
Olympic disappointment
Dear Ed,
The Pakistan contingent for the Paris Olympic Games consists of seven athletes and 11 officials, a stark reminder of our country’s declining athletic performance. Once a powerhouse in sports like hockey and wrestling, Pakistan has now become a shadow of its former self. Our teams’ participation in competitive events that previously brought us glory is now disappointing, highlighting a larger systemic issue. Pakistani athletes deserve better. The government must urgently address the issues plaguing our sports institutions. It is imperative to take decisive action to reform the sports landscape and restore our nation’s athletic prestige.
Zaimal Arif, Turbat
Dear Ed,
In the issue of 26 July, ‘Bits ‘N’ Pieces’ was really interesting. Witch doctors are revered in the African tribes, and it is a fact that their knowledge about herbs is amazing. Nazish Sabir’s Academic woes was spot on, and Muhammad Omar Iftikhar’s story Paris 2024 - exhibiting sportsmanship and inclusivity was very informative. Keep up the good work.
Zaina Khan, Karach
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.
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