Sunday May 19, 2024

Education for all

July 20, 2022

Gender inequality in Pakistan is a serious problem. In our country, it is difficult for women to complete their education. The ratio of boys to girls in schools is 5:1. Women who manage to enter the workforce are met with another set of challenges; their salaries are significantly lower than men’s.

In Pakistan, the lack of an efficient public transport system creates hurdles in women’s mobility. There are also few career opportunities for women to earn a decent monthly income. The patriarchal mindset of our society plays a big role in clipping women’s wings and restraining them from achieving their dreams. A majority of girls are raised to get married, not to get educated and become independent. We need to take strict steps to bring gender equality in our country; Women should not be considered less than a man when it comes to work and studies. More girls-only schools and colleges should be opened so that women can complete their education without inhibitions.

Nida Ahmad
