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Row erupts between govt, allies

Sheikh Rashid said he was not among those who were blackmailing the PM to get the CM post, with just five votes in the assembly

By News Desk & Our Correspondent
March 13, 2022
Row erupts between govt, allies

ISLAMABAD: Political temperature continued rising in the country during the past 24 hours, and the government and the opposition came face to face after Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed gave a statement that a party with just five seats was blackmailing Prime Minister Imran Khan, and the ally parties responded through tweets.

In Quetta, while talking to the media, Sheikh Rashid, without naming a government ally party, said that he was not among those who were blackmailing the prime minister to get the post of chief minister, with just five votes in the assembly.

The statement was strongly responded by Minister for Water Resources Moonis Elahi, who tweeted that “I respect Sheikh Sahib, but he was forgetting the fact that he used to get money from the elders of that party in his student life.”

He said that the 50-seat parties were coming to the five-seat party for meetings and consultations. “Some even say that if a one-seat member can become the interior minister, then why five-seat party can’t become a chief minister or a governor,” Moonis added.

Sources said that the bitter exchange of words between the two leaders showed that the alliance between the government and the PMLQ had lost its roots and the Chaudhry brothers were ready to support no-confidence move of the opposition.

Separately, Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PMLQ) chief Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain Saturday said that the party would likely make a final decision on a no-trust move against Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday (today).

Consultations with the PMLQ on the no-trust move continued on Saturday and it was decided to hold another round of consultations on Sunday.

Speaking to the media after the meeting, Chaudhry Shujaat said that there was no confusion among the party ranks and a final decision on the no-trust move would be taken by tomorrow.

A report earlier in the day stated that PMLQ seemed divided over the much-hyped no-confidence motion. Sources said the party stood divided over the no-trust move as many of their leaders opposed supporting the opposition’s no-confidence motion against PM Khan. They said that PMLQ MNA and Federal Housing Minister Tariq Bashir Cheema was in favour of parting ways with ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) while other PMLQ leaders including Moonis Elahi were against quitting the alliance.

Sources said PMLQ had also sought a guarantee from PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari that the PMLN would fulfil their demands in response to the support on the no-trust motion. Zardari reportedly agreed over becoming a guarantor of the agreement, added the sources.

Also, Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan (MQMP) is likely to make a decision over the no-confidence motion in the next 48 hours. The party’s Rabita Committee meeting was held, which decided to adopt ‘wait-and-see policy’ for the time being, according to sources. The MQMP central leaders have expressed their resentment against the federal government time and again for not fulfilling its promises.

Meanwhile, former chief minister Balochistan and senior leader of the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) Jam Kamal also responded to a statement of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed. The interior minister had said in the press talk that the Balochistan Awami Party was standing with Imran Khan. Through a tweet, Jam Kamal, however, said the “Balochistan Awami Party takes its own decision, not Sheikh Rashid.”