Monday May 20, 2024

Past lessons

June 27, 2020

This refers to the article, 'On being called a traitor' (June 20) by Ayesha Mir, who has rightly protested against Waris Mir being called a traitor by an immature minister of Punjab who otherwise is ignorant of history. No one has the right to call anybody a traitor. Unfortunately in Pakistan, whosoever shows dissent is called a traitor; this practice must be stopped

Actually war had started when Bhutto gave the slogan Udhar Tum Idhar Hum. It is true all Pakistanis were worried about the situation in East Pakistan, including intellectuals – Waris Mir being one of them. Waris Mir does not require certificate from the Sindh Assembly or anyone else for raising the concerns of people – as nobody wanted war. It is also a fact India had all along been busy to ensure separation. The past is there to learn from. Advice must be taken positively and not as dissent.

Mukhtar Ahmed
