Monday June 17, 2024

Jang/Geo workers continue protest for Editor-in-Chief release

By our correspondents
June 25, 2020

RAWALPINDI/LAHORE/PESHAWAR: The participants of the protest camp organised by the workers of Geo and Jang Group on Wednesday called for release of Editor-in-Chief Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, who is custody without any charge in a 34 years old private business transaction, and vowed to continue their protest till his release.

Besides workers and Journalists of Geo and Jang Group, the representatives of the civil society, political workers and journalists organisation also participated in the protest that continued for the 105th day all over the country for the release of Editor-in-Chief Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.

Addressing the protestors at the protest camp outside the offices of Jang and The News at Murree Road in Rawalpindi, Chairman Editorial Committee Jang Rawalpindi Hanif Khalid said Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman was under arrest for the last 105 days but still he was firm on his principled stance for the freedom of media. “Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman spent 105 days in prison in false and fabricated case but the rulers could not have courage to tolerate the truth,” he said.

Chairman Joint Action Committee of Workers of Geo and Jang Group Islamabad and President Jang Workers Union Rawalpindi Nasir Chishti said not only the journalist organisations, political workers and human rights organisations of the country and also the international human rights organizations were raising voice for the editor-in-chief of Geo and Jang Group.

He said the workers of Geo and Jang Group were looking towards the higher judiciary of the country for justice and release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman from the false and fabricated case. Chief Reporter Jang Rawalpindi Rana Ghulam Qadir said the Parliament is also stood for the release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman. “Every segment of the society is demanding the release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman,” he said.

Jang/Geo Group workers in Lahore also staged protest, demanding Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s release. Lawyers and civil society activists joined them and spoke for the release of the editor-in-chief of the largest media group.

Advocate Iftikhar Shahid of the PPP gave examples from history of how those who stood for truth and right of the people live while the tyrants perish.

Shahida Jabeen of the PPP said: “By suppressing freedom of media, the government is causing itself harm, bringing a bad name to itself.”

The workers said Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s arrest is unlawful, unconstitutional. Hence by keeping him behind the bars, the government has broken the law. Journalists work under tough conditions. They are not going to back-off from their demand and will continue their protest for the release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, they said.

Among those who rallied to the defence of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman were human rights activist Samson Salamat, Advocate Rehman Shahid, Wahab Khanzada, Muhammad Wajid, Muhammad Ali, Zaheer Anjum, M Nawaz, Aziz Sheikh, Munawwar Hussain, Awais Qarni and Allah Rakha.

In Multan, the workers of Daily Jang, Geo News and The News staged a demonstration against the arrest of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and demanded his immediate release.

The protesting workers carrying banners and placards gathered on Nusrat Road in Cantonment area and chanted slogans for the release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.

The workers of Jang Group in Peshawar also continued protest against the detention of their Editor-in-Chief.

Carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans, the protesters demanded immediate release of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and withdrawal of cases against him.

Criticising the government and NAB for detaining editor of the major media group in a 34 years old private property case, the speakers said Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman was arrested without completing the investigation process.

They said the government had started strangulating independent voice of the media instead of tolerating criticism and improving their performance.