Saturday May 04, 2024

Research report on Covid-19 launched: Social Behaviour, Perception in Pakistan

By Myra Imran
April 16, 2020

Islamabad: Although people know about the major symptoms of COVID-19 such as sore throat, flu, fever, cough, and body aches, however they need to be made aware of the case management if such clearer symptoms of persistent dry cough and fever appear in their family.

The need was identified in a rapid assessment online survey conducted in March-April 2020 by Sustainable Social Development Organisation (SSDO) to understand the social behaviors and perceptions of people about COVID-19, the pandemic, which has shaken the whole world with around two million infections, and more than 100,000 deaths. In this assessment, more than 312 respondents from four provinces and the regions recorded their responses with around half of them (46 per cent) women.

The assessment says that majority of the respondents supported government measures such as travel restrictions, and ban on social gathering as part of coping mechanisms to control the spread of the virus.

It says that although people have a fair idea that the virus travels with human to human interaction, they still need to be informed about the importance of social distancing and other health seeking behaviors.

However, around half a million people have successfully recovered from the infection but still the coronavirus is one of the most infective viruses and spreads in a number of ways and there is no pharma cure or prevention available to human population while world’s leading laboratory and research institutions are working on developing vaccine for prevention and anti-viral drugs for treatment of the infections. There are non-pharma prevention measures which WHO has advised. These measures include washing hands with soap for 20 seconds, not touching face, eyes, mouth, and nose, social distancing, coughing or sneezing in the elbow, and staying home.

In Pakistan more than 5,500 people have been tested positive for COVID-19, 106 people have died, while 1,378 cases have recovered from the disease. Pakistan has implemented a number of measures, which include partial lockdowns, importing personal protection equipment for the healthcare staff, improving testing, and isolation facilities, and also other related healthcare equipment for treatment support.