Saturday July 27, 2024

Intellectuals ask govt to end class-based education system

September 18, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Educationists, writers and literary figures on Tuesday while lauding the government’s resolve to implement uniform education system, urged the Prime Minister Imran Khan to end the class based education across the country.

They also declared that the different classes in education system were a major reason in the classification of society.

Admiring Imran Khan for his visions, dreams and high goals, renowned writer Iftikhar Hussain Arif told APP that if Prime Minister wanted to make this country a welfare state he would have to change present class based education.

Lauding the great idea of uniform education system articulated by Imran Khan, he said that this plan required expertise in education and a lot of resources as well.

Currently, Iftikhar said that around five types of education systems existed in Pakistan from Madrassah to British Union’s School.

This plan would be actualized only if same syllabus, medium, abundant resources and committed teachers would be provided, he explained.

He further informed that this idea was difficult to achieve but definitely doable as already had been adept in Soviet Union and China.

Kishwar Naheed, another Urdu poetess and writer, said, “We all should play our role to achieve this significant objective to control private school mafia”.

Instead of publicizing poor, we should help distressed and destitute faction of society by providing a quality education to them in the easiest way, she stressed.

Kishwar said that this suggestion was not against the privileged class but to support the deprived lot as the poor had equal rights to attain quality education.

"Moreover our religion also teaches us equality of rights," she added.

“I fully support prime minister’s intention to initiate uniform education system as it is inevitable for Pakistan’s progress profit," an Urdu Professor Najeeba Arif remarked.

She declared uniform education system as only possible way to curb the social discrimination from society.

She underlined the need of promoting Urdu language among children during early years.

Sharing his views, an educationist Iman Qaisrani said that government needed to increase budget for education to ensure its quality.

Aftab Iqbal, another educationist, informed that sitting government had developed a National Task Force team to accomplish this massive agenda.

This task force will work on the four parameters to achieve its goals such as textbooks, quality of education, training of teachers and identical assessments, he revealed.

This step was necessary to make Pakistanis as a nation otherwise it would remain scattered in social stratum, he explained.

Writer and poetess Rashida Malik pointed out that uniform education system was necessary to create harmony and gender-equality among masses.

"There is no lack of intellectual women in Pakistan but unfortunately we do not see any female in economic community," she lamented.